72. Feeding

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The Weasley kids stayed behind for George, while Molly and Arthur escorted her toward the bodies, covered in white cloth. There was a subtle smell, something unpleasant, like raw flesh, yet it was too subtle to declare it.

Teddy gruntled in her arms as she walked slowly behind Arthur. Molly held her arm steady.

Every step gets heavier and heavier. Once in awhile, she had to stop. It was too disconcerting. Molly would encourage her to minimize the fear of seeing the deads. It was an out of body experience, an unpleasant way.

Andromeda couldn't bear to see the faces of the dead that was revealed around her. It was unsettling to imagine they were alive in less than 24 hours before today. Whenever the mourners opened the cloth to reveal a face, they would crumble in tears, silent or loud with words.

Andromeda was afraid if she would become like the rest of them. She did not want to find Dora and Remus under any of those sheets.

Whenever she had doubts and breakdown, Molly had to stop and compose her and calm her down. Then waited until she was ready again to walk.

Arthur stopped by some linings of bodies covered under the sheets. Andromeda had another surge of panic. Tears started come up, knowing that there would be either Dora or Remus under some of them.

Her feet was automatic, walking slowly, yet her mind was lost. She started sobbing, holding Teddy who cried with her.

She could not see. She could not see anything. She didn't want to be in this room, but her feet did not run away.

Her body stiffened when she was just half a meter to the closest dead body. She hoped the nearest one was not anyone she knew. But she stand corrected.

'This one is your daughter, and this one is your son-in-law... we have cleaned them, you won't see them wounded... I-I'm sorry for your loss Andromeda...', said Arthur. His last phrase was the softest he could say to anyone.

Andromeda sobbed. She almost screeched. Her grief for them was far different to Ted's. Ted's death was a long agonizing silence, like she was rotting away quietly. Whereas this, this was a horrific encounter for herself.

She wanted to crumble down, but somehow her unconcious mind knew, she was still holding Teddy. She promised herself she would keep him safe.

She wanted to hug her daughter right here, right now. Hoping she would bring her back to life if she did so. She motioned her body to Molly and said to her in her tears, 'hold her baby... h-hold her baby...'

Molly did so. The moment Teddy was out of her arms, Andromeda dropped to her knees in a devastated cry, looking at the covered body of what she learned to be her daughter.

She dragged herself toward Dora's covered body, to the part of the head. Andromeda groaned in her cry. She was trembling. She could see brown hair.

She wanted to make sure if it was really Dora. In an upheaval struggle, she forced herself to pull open the sheet to see her face.

Her cry was loud, as loud as the people she had listened to in this great hall. The same devastating sound that bled people's ears.

Dora had her eyes shut. There were dry cuts and bumps on her face. Though her smooth skin was no longer as it was before, she still looked beautiful. She looked like she was sleeping, rather than the reality of death.

Andromeda almost interpretated a smile on Dora's lips.

She slid her hands on her daughter's face. It was icy cold and stiff like stone.

She cried and cried.

Andromeda planted a kiss on Dora's forehead, filled with tears that had been leaking all over her own face. She rested her own forehead to her daughter.

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