61. Warning Letters

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Andromeda stayed sitting on the couch. She had propped the couch by the window, facing out to the front yard. She sat there for hours. Her eyes peeled outside, hoping Ted would come home.

She wouldn't eat, unless Dora fed her. Dora had to persuade her, mentioning to her that Ted would want her to eat and stay healthy until he comes back.

Remus felt bad to see Andromeda and Dora in such a state.

He helped them by helping around the house. He had sent a patronus to Bill that he couldn't do his missions, he had to take care of his family. Dora stopped requesting him anything since Ted disappeared.

Remus stayed inside and do all the house chores.

Andromeda never moved out from her seat. She only did it, if she had to get a quick bathroom break when she couldn't hold it in much longer. Then she sat back on the couch again.

Remus cooked and cleaned everyday. He made sure they eat regularly. He casted a spell to a pitcher to fill in their glasses with water every four hours to get them to stay hydrated.

Two days passed.

Dora had gotten herself together. She was willing to walk to the dining area, to sit and eat with Remus.

Dora could fill up her own glass with water now. She could do small walks in the backyard with her husband.

She felt bad herself for burdening Remus. She compromised her needs to lessen his burden.

As for Andromeda... time was still. The sun meant nothing to her. She hadn't slept for a single minute. She stared out of the window, hoping for Ted.

Next morning, Remus was cleaning the dishes after breakfast.

Dora noticed that he was still in the house. In regular schedule, Remus should be heading out to continue McGonnagall's mission right now.

'Aren't you supposed to continue giving those warning letters to muggleborn students?', asked Dora.

Remus stopped for a moment. But then he continued to orchestrate cleaning the dishes.

'I can't leave you two like this... You need me. Andromeda, surely needs me. She can barely chew her own food.'

Dora hugged him from behind, her belly propped to the side so she could be closer to him. 'I can take care of mum. People need you. We have to save the children, they're in danger... For a better world, remember.'

'And who will take care of you, Dora?' Remus asked, solemnly.

Dora hid her face on his back. She took a deep breath. She smelt his scent. He had that bookish dust and burning wood smell to him. The smell she knew and loved.

'I can take care of myself. Just make sure you come back to me.'

Remus laid down the hovered plates down gently. He turned around to see her.

She looked lovely. He caressed her cheek, then hugged her. 'I'm a bad husband. I... I'm sorry, Dora.', he said.

Remus remembered how he tried to persuade Harry, Hermione, and Ron to let him come with them. He wanted to be free. He wanted to get away from all of this. He knew it was such a selfish act.

He was glad he couldn't join them now. He would never forgive himself.

Dora could have been burdened, like Andromeda. He couldn't imagine leaving her now. Remus couldn't forgive himself.

'I can stay for another day or two.', said Remus.

'You have a duty, Remus.', said Dora. She relinquished the hug. She looked at him, lovingly. Caressed the side of his face. 'Come back to me when you're done, promise?'

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