26. The Burrow

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Tonks held a meeting in the evening with the Order, after the talk in Scrimgeour's office.

She sent cryptic messages by owls to every members of Order Of the Phoenix, except for Remus, Snape, Hagrid, Moody, and Kingsley. They had their own jobs to do.

Remus was with werewolves. Hagrid was with giants. Kingsley was with the Ministry of Muggle. Moody was with Scrimgeour. Snape was at Hogwarts or with Death Eaters, who knows what he's been doing these days, he hadn't given any information.

In no time, they all gathered in the Safehouse. There were some who wasn't there. Remus, Snape, Hagrid, and Moody. Dumbledore was keen to listen to what Tonks had to say. Arthur was thrilled in knowing he and his family and Harry would ride a car again, though Molly shot him a scandalized look.


On the day when Harry would be picked up by Dumbledore, Tonks left her house to the Burrow. She didn't have to answer to Robards in the office anymore. She was under Scrimgeour's direct order. All her coworkers were shocked when they first knew it. In which tonks find it highly amusing.

Tonks knocked on Arthur's door. Molly welcomed her in. It was the first time she visited.

She looked at the interesting stuff around the house. She looked at the clock, saw the needle names of Ron, Bill, Fred, George, and Ginny showing home. Whereas Charlie and Percy showed work. Tonks complimented the house.

Molly was delighted. She escorted her to the kitchen and brewed a pot of tea. An intricate cup with it's saucer flew in and landed on a table in front of Tonks, who was sitting and admiring the funny looking things around the house.

Molly and Tonks had a brief and wonderful conversation. Tonks found it helpful on bringing down some tension of this mission. She could relax more than days before. She was also very thrilled to know she would be out and about, not sitting around in a boring office.

Tonks could hear voices from upstairs. Molly's young children were arguing about some things. Molly apologized about the commotion and then she shouted up at the staircase to tell them how loud they were, reminding them they had guest.

Her kids shouted back to apologize. The sound was not as loud, but still heard. Tonks find it highly entertaining to be in this house. She laughed, telling Molly she enjoyed the loudness.

'Anyway, where's Arthur?', asked Tonks.

'Oh, he's still at work. He plans to come home early, I really hope so!'

Tonks and Molly had tea and crumpets. Jam and cream on the ready. Then someone came down the stairs.

'Molly, couldze yew help me with Bill'z jacket? I don't know how ze take ze stain off...', said a voice.

Tonks saw a really pretty woman. She had shiny golden long hair and a lean body, and her eyes were bright blue. It was undoubtedly a part veela. The woman noticed her in surprise.

'Oh szorry, I forgotte we hav guest.', she said. Molly was not impressed. The woman lured out her hand to shake Tonks' hand, friendly, 'Nice te meetz you, my name is Fleur Delacour. Bill's fiancèe.'

By her accent and her name, Tonks knew she was French. Tonks shook her hand happily, 'Nice to meet you, I'm Nymphadora Tonks. Just call me Tonks.'

'Oh, yew can call me Fleur!', said the woman, she then looked at Molly who was not too delighted. 'maybe I vwill come to yew a bit laeter, Molly.'

'Yes I will help you again with the same spell I've thought you hundreds of times,' said Molly sarcastically. Fleur left upstairs. 'Oh what a nightmare, she can't even clean a speck of dust!'

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