47. Lovegood

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That morning, Dora woke up in a joyous mood. A wide grin sprouted on her face, she got out of bed early in the morning.

She looked around the room. She got her wand out. Casted a spell to open the windows. Cold morning air rushed into the room. Then she made the books that was stacked on the floor to floor, to fly in the air. Dusts were vanishing, even on the knooks and crannies. She conjured a hefty luggage trunk near some filled bookshelves and put all the floating books to rest inside.

She went to a table which had all her stuff. She summoned a cleaning rag from Molly's. She charmed water on it. The rag started wiping down every pieces of her gears and her hairbrush.

A heat was felt inside her pockets. She rummaged and found her gold coin. She pulled it up and read the lines inside:

Kingsley, Tonks, Remus, Arthur, Molly. The Burrow. Now.

The coin was burning. She put a freezing charm on it and put it inside her pockets.

Remus grunted in his sleep. 'Tonks...', he muttered uncomfortably. 'Could you stop the... ow! Ow!' He felt something burning and stinging on his thigh. He jumped out and frantically pulled something off of him. It felt burning. Dora laughed at her husband's antiques. He got the coin and it burned his fingertips. He threw the coin to the floor. 'To hell with this coin!'

Dora kept laughing. 'Let's go, big guy, I think Mad-Eye is rounding us downstairs.'

Remus frowned as it was not his preferential way to wake up. He got out of bed and reclaimed his coin . He got his wand from the bedside table, next to a bookmarked book.

Dora took her hairbrush with her. She exitted the bedroom with him.

Moody was already waiting downstairs. Helped himself with a cup of tea. He greeted them.

They sat down.

'You two just got back from the Tonks House, I heard?', asked Moody.

'Yeah, last night. You weren't here, Molly told us you were checking the path.', said Dora.

'Yeah, everything looks good. I flew past every checkpoints we have.', said Moody. He noticed Dora was holding something. 'What's that?'

Remus looked down on what she was holding as well.

'Oh, it's my hairbrush from my house. I want to give it to Kingsley for the portkey.'

'Alrighy, good job.', said Moody, impressed by his pupil's initiative.

Molly and Arthur arrived. Molly was holding Arthur by the arm. It seemed her husband was still half asleep. 'Come on Arthur, wake up! Wake up!', she said. She got her wand and made a cup of tea for herself and him. They sat down. 'Morning Moody.'

Moody greeted back. After awhile of chatting, a knock was heard on the door. Moody went to answer the door. Questions were asked, then he opened the door. Kingsley and Bill were together.

'Morning everyone!', said Bill enthusiastically. He released his coat inside the house.

'Morning!', said Kingsley in the same enthusiasm. He had quite baggy eyes.

'Bill, you're here early!', said Molly. She rushed to help her eldest son, taking his coat. His son kissed her around the cheeks.

'Yes mum, I just finished my shift, I want to come home as fast as I can, I want to see Fleur.', he said.

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