71. Bodies

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The sun shone through the windows. Teddy grunted caused by his hungriness. And a smell which indicated the diaper needed change.

Andromeda stretched her body, while holding onto Teddy. Her arms ached as she had been holding onto him for the rest of her sleep.

She summoned the diaper kits to the dining area. It was ready and she immediately put Teddy down on top of a fluffy little mattress on the dining table. She changed Teddy's diaper with magic. She didn't need to touch it like how Dora and Remus did it. She had learned it when Dora was 2 months old.

She orchestrated her wand. She changed the diaper. And she also prepared the other bottle. She had put the old bottle from last night to get scrubbed in the sink.

Andromeda multitasked everything. It was a skill that Dora had not learned.

The baby laughed from watching all of his familiar stuff on air. Andromeda found it adorable. She cooed at him whilst he was getting powdered.



She waited for them. Teddy was in her arms, sleeping. She stood on the living room, listening to the static radio. But there was none who speak, only static sounds.


She grew impatient. Sometimes Teddy cried just that he wanted a different scenery. He was tired of the living room.

Andromeda thought of visiting Hogwarts. But she was terrified of what she might find. The worst thing she encountered was that Hogwarts was now fully occupied by Death Eaters. She didn't want to take that risk, while bringing Teddy along.


Andromeda conducted her wand to make some fried eggs and toast. She realized that she hadn't eaten anything since she woke up. She was also a bit dehydrated. She ate food at the dining table. Sometimes she humored Teddy with her forkful of food before she ate it.

When it was finished, she conjured a spell for it to clean itself by the sink. She got herself a glass of water to drink.

But she only had a sip when she heard knocks on the door.

She put down her glass, excitedly. She was excited to welcome Dora and Remus back.

She ran, holding Teddy, toward the door. She opened it wide.

But it wasn't them.

She saw a man that she had seen only once when it was before the battle of seven Potters. She had her wand out.

She held Teddy close and tight. Wand pointed at the man.

'I mean no harm, Mrs Tonks!', said the man.

'Who are you?'

'I'm Kingsley Shacklebolt. Order of the Phoenix. Tonks and Remus' friend. I'm here to deliver you good news.'

'Whatever for? Where's Dora and Remus?'

Kingsley tried to thread it carefully. He saw the baby in Andromeda's arm. He kept his face as friendly as possible, though his eyes betrayed him.

'Where is my daughter and her husband?', asked Andromeda in a bit of force. Teddy was groaning uncomfortably. He could sense discomfort from her.

'We won the war, Mrs Tonks... Voldemort is dead.', said Kingsley. Andromeda had a widened shock of eyes. Kingsley found that it was a good sign to continue. 'Harry Potter killed him. It was incredible... I hope this will be of some solace... uh... I think you should visit Hogwarts... with Teddy. I'll escort you there.'

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