13. Sirius' Ruse

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Remus was woken up by something tickling his ear. He swatted it. Seconds later it came back to tickle his ear again.

He wanted to move, but then something slid down slightly on his shoulder. He realized Tonks was still asleep. Her head rested on him.

He became tense like wood. Trying not to wake her up, he held her head, so she wouldn't slid down in an uncomfortable position.

The thing that tickled him was still there. He swatted and saw a feather quill levetating.

Remus turned his head to find Sirius and Kingsley leaning against the door frame, smirking mischeviously.

Sirius had his wand out, the culprit of the tickling quill feather. Remus glared at them, which only fed them more amusement.

Remus chose to ignore their antiques and woke up Tonks gently. He nudged her until she woke up. She raised her head and yawned.

'M-morning Tonks, it's time to get back to work.', said Remus, awkwardly.

She was not fully conscious. Still leaning on Remus, she looked around. When their eyes met, she blushed hard.

'M-morning!', said Tonks frantically. She sat up straight, still looking at him. She noticed the two men leaning against the doorway, her embarassment was immeasurable.

They both stood up and got ready.

Sirius and Kingsley didn't talk to them whatsoever. But Remus and Tonks knew, they were taunting secretly.

Tonks gave Remus a quick smile before walking away to see Kingsley. The two aurors left the Safehouse.

'So, Tonks, huh?', teased Sirius.

'Stop.', said Remus. He couldn't look at Sirius because of embarassment.

'My mustache was tingling last night, got the feeling something like this would happen. Finally, I thought it would be like that girl you had a crush on back at the Yule Ball. That girl, I forgot her name, that girl you left on-'

Remus walked away to get his breakfast quickly.

'That girl you left under the misletoe!', shouted Sirius excitedly as he followed Remus to the kitchen.

They ended up arguing about the past, while eating some leftover stew.

They hung around the house for six hours. Then, Remus and Moody went out. Sirius stayed for another couple of hours.


It was in Yorkshire. Remus stood by a dark alley. Moody arrived shortly after. There were some muggles on the main streets. There were muggle shops and houses.

Moody went away to his own position, which was inside a pub. There was a portkey on the second floor, in which Sirius would leave from there. It would send him straight back to number twelve, Grimmauld's Place.

Remus checked his watch. He counted the ticks. Sirius should start running by the main street in about half an hour. Remus had to watch him around the square.

Five more minutes.

The town had some muggles walking around the shops. Then it gradually went empty. He could feel the air was dwindling with protective magic. No muggles were going to see the chase and no muggles would stay on the main street.

Two more minutes.

Remus heard some shifts in the air.

Ten seconds.

And there he was, Sirius. Much earlier than Remus anticipated, the black curly haired man was running through town.

Aurors were chasing him. Remus shrunken himself as small as a mouse. He heard someone running past him on the alleyway behind him. He hid under a newspaper on the ground.

He could hear spells being casted. Hitting and blasting on objects to catch Sirius. They were further away from him. Remus searched an angle to look at Sirius. Kingsley was chasing him. A stunning spell was casted, yet Sirius dodged it to be expected.

Remus casted a quick fidelius charm on the bar. Then watched Sirius once again.

Tonks casted a binding charm, but it hit a bike when Sirius apparated quickly.

Sirius appeard in front of the pub with a fidelius charm, he read a writing on a piece of parchment and quickly went inside the building.

The aurors ran past the pub. Stopped for a yard in their tracks.

'We lost him!', shouted one of the aurors.

They searched the area. Remus hid behind a dumpster. Moments away, Macnair was standing on his previous spot. Then went away.

The aurors combed the area. It was Kingsley's plan to lure out time for Remus to keave the vicinity.

Remus made a run for it with his shrunken body toward the pub. When he got inside, there were muggles, yet they were oblivious to what was happening.

Remus went to a close corner that the muggles couldn't pay attention to. Then Remus resized himself back.

He sat next to a bloke with ginger hair, sitting at a barstool. Remus ordered himself a pint of beer to the bartender. He drank a big gulp and spoke to the man next to him.

'He got to the portkey upstairs?', Remus asked quickly to him. Enjoying his beer.

'He did.', said the man with unmistakable voice of Moody.

They hung out for awhile. Looked outside as the aurors were scanning the area. Remus saw Tonks scanned the place Remus was guarding previously. She seemed to be scanning, but really, she was cleaning traces of his footsteps.

'So, you and Tonks huh?', asked Moody, drinking his beer.

Remus leered at him, 'not you too.'

Moody gave a satisfactory gruntle and took another sip.

They hung out a couple more hours until the first muggle in the room went outside, which means the muggle repellant charm has been lifted. They went to a dark alley and dissaparate.

Back in the Safehouse, Remus and Moody were greeted by a jazzy song from a gramaphone. Remus looked to find Sirius. He was dancing happily on his own.

'Remus! Come dance with me! I feel so alive!', shouted Sirius with open arms. He then continued dancing.

Remus laughed out loud at his antiques. He didn't mind him using the gramaphone. He was glad to see Sirius looking happier than days ago. Being outside must've been a good factor.

Sirius casted a spell that lulled Remus to join him into the living room. Remus rolled his eyes and joined dancing.

They looked like two careless and rebellious boys, the antiques Sirius and James used to make Remus do in the old days.

Sirius jumped on the coffee table and dance it out to his heart's content, inviting Remus to join up and break some vases around.

At the door frame, Moody snorted and went away to the kitchen.

After the song ended, they repaired everything they had broken and sat back on the sofas. Talking about Sirius' grand escape and how Kingsley and Tonks had the upper hands against Macnair and Runcorn.

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