73. Closure

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One month later...

Andromeda and little baby Teddy visited the Burrow.

Molly anticipated their arrival and welcome them in joy and laughter and a tight hug.

She cooed at Teddy, a much plumpier giggly baby than he was before.

Arthur, who was on the other side of the room, rushed to greet them in a hug.

This lunch's get-together was done every twice a week. Every Monday and Friday.

It really helped the process of grief. Being together, helped lessen the sorrow.

Andromeda was delighted to know the Weasleys. They treat her and Teddy as a person. She was glad to get to know them, after all the things she had gotten through.

She put down her baby bag by the sofa. Molly ushered her and the baby to the kitchen.

Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Percy, and George were here. They had temporary leave from work.

The companies and businesses they had, has exempt them from their duty as they were accounted as a national hero. They had the privilege to take a time off for a couple of months or so.

Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron were there too. Hogwarts was temporarily inspected and neutralized under Kingsley's order as the Minister of Magic. At the end of September, hopefully, the kids can attend back to Hogwarts from where they left off.

Everyone welcomed Andromeda in friendly greets and smiles. They paid extra attention to Teddy, which Andromeda was now showing proudly at them.

'He's been growing a lot,', said Harry, holding Ginny's hand on the table. 'Those cheeks are like bread dough!'

'Oh yes! He has been growing in significant rate! He gained one and a half kilo now!', said Andromeda. The crowd gasped of admiration and exclaimed funny comments.

They had lunch in the house. Smoked papricas, smoked beef, garden salad, mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, and fish stew. Cooled water, fruit punch, pumpkin juice, and silly laughing potion.

The silly laughing potion was George's product that he wanted to try. A potion that made the drinker laugh hysterically for a straight minute. It was a fun little thing that made conversations going.

In the midst of enjoyable festivity, there was knocking from the front door.

'Oh, who could that be?', spoke Molly.

She went to open the front door.

To her surprise, a man that she had only met once, stood tense in front of her.

The man did not smile. In fact, he looked troubled.

He was Lyall Lupin.

'Good day... I'm... sorry to intrude- Oh, you're having a party right now, maybe I-'

'Lyall Lupin? Oh do come in, we have enough food for another guest, please do come in!', said Molly in a soft voice.

'I-I think it's not the best time t-'

'Who is it mum?', asked Ron. He appeared to Lyall's view. 'Oh, aren't you Lupin's dad? Er... hello again.'

'Oh hello... maybe I'll just come back anoth-'

'No, don't be silly, we are welcoming everyone who comes up to our doorstep! Come in, come in! You must have come here all the way from Ireland weren't you?', Molly insisted.

Lyall gulped and gave her a nervous smile in defeat. He smiled to the red haired boy, who he forgot the name.

Everyone looked at him in surprise. For a second, everyone went quiet to see him in the house when Molly closed the front door.

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