60. Blood Status

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Dora had been using a lot of robes and loose dresses in her second trimester. She couldn't fit her usual clothes anymore.

She felt sore on her feet and shoulders if she stood too long. She had to sit down most of the time. Sometimes she had to lay down in bed if it was getting worse.

Her feet were swollen.

She would ask Remus to massage her.

Regarding her sore feet, if Dora was sitting on a chair, he would sit on another chair and prop one of her leg at a time to his lap, then proceed to massage her gently. Or when she was laying on the bed, he would sit beside her and message it.

If not her feet she needed to be massaged, it would probably be her shoulders or back.

Andromeda had to step in and teach Remus how to massage her correctly.

Sometimes it was troublesome when Dora felt aching all over her body. Remus only had two hands. He didn't know how to ease all spots of her sored body.

He didn't know what to do to make her feel better during these troubling pregnancy. He was worried something worse might happen to her in the third trimester.

The chaos in the public and Dora's situation was driving himself crazy. It was horrific to witness chaos of the public. But it was a nightmare to be asked for things, like he was a servant.

Dora seemed to be in a bad mood all the time. It was easy to make her feel annoyed, even though Remus didn't mean to.

At one point, he thought that doing dangerous mission was easier than taking care of her pregnant wife.

Everytime he was home, he complained in secret. How Dora always demanded things from him. He didn't have time for himself.

Not even a slack when he exhausted off of his spirit after a hard mission.


'Remus!', shouted Dora from the bed. She leaned rested on four stacks of plumpy pillows. 'Remus!'

'What!', said Remus in irritation. He appeared by the door. 'I was eating!'

'Don't be so rude. I'm hungry.', said Dora.

Remus rolled his eyes. 'Alright,' he said, he was about to head back to the kitchen, 'I'll get it for y-'

'No, I want pumpkin pasties. And chocolate ice cream.'

Remus looked back at her in disbelief. This happened for the third time now, Dora asked for ridiculous things at a situation, unfavorable to him. Going out onto public places was dangerous for himself. He couldn't believe she would ask him to venture out just to get pumpkin pasties and chocolate ice cream.

'But Dora-'

'Just do it, Remus.', said Andromeda from the kitchen.

Remus let out a heavy breath. 'Alright.', he said grudgingly.

Remus didn't understand the importance of fulfilling this odd cravings from Dora. Andromeda had explained to him that it was the baby's wish inside her. She needed to fulfill it or she'll get sick. Remus wasn't quite convinced.

He took his coat and put it on, as he went out. He apparated.


He arrived in a Wizarding Town near Tonks' House. He put his hood ober his head, to minimize his face of recognition. He hoped no Death Eaters or Ministry inspectors saw him walking down the street.

He passed by some posters of Harry Potter's face. It decorated the walls and windows of the town. There were more on the alleyways. It had a title of Undesirable Num. 1.

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