48. Sick

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The first person to see the stacks of magazines were Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. They immediatedly stared at them funnily. The kids knew it was the Quibbler.

'Did you guys visit the Lovefgoods?', asked Ron.

Dora gave a confirming reply. Putting down the magazines at the kitchen islands, which they were sitting around at. Remus followed next to her.

'We're supposed to sell them...', said Remus.

The kids laughed hearing it. They were not surprised at all.

Hermione summoned one of it to her, using her wand. One of the magazine flew toward her. She grabbed it and began to read.

'How much is it?', asked Ginny.

'Three-', Remus almost spoke.

'Four! Four knuts only.', said Dora. She gave her husband a quick wink. No one saw but him.

Ron was nearest to the magazines. Ginny ordered him to grab one for her. Ron took two for her and himself. They started reading. Making fun of some silly articles.

'How on earth are you gonna sell them?', asked Ron.

'We might go around town  unless... anyone of you want to buy them? Anyone?', spoke Dora. Remus was impressed by how dedicated his wife was into this. He could not help but join in.

'Yes, if anyone's interested, it's only 4 knuts. It'll help us, help the Lovegoods.', said Remus.

'I'll buy one.', said Hermione. 'It's the least I can do for Luna. She helps us a lot in Hogwarts.'

'Yeah...', said Ron. He eventually buy it as well.

'Anyway, no one in the Order is back yet?', asked Remus.

'Not yet, it's just us. And Fleur is doing her skin care routine in her room.', said Ginny.

'Well, while we're early, might as well get on with it.', said Dora. She got the stacks with her and walked out to the front door. 'Let's go, Remus! Let's sell these things.'

Remus got his stacks and followed her. 'See you guys later!'

Ginny flew her unpaid magazine back on top of Remus' stack of magazine using her wand.

Remus and Dora travelled around places, using apparition. They went to different places in the Wizarding World. Dora changed her hair colour into brownish chestnut and grew a mole under her lips. They carefully avoid places known to have sighted any Death Eaters and Ministry Officials.

While they were in one of a Wizarding Alleyway, someone greeted them. They looked around and landed on a short gruffy bald man. It was mundungus Fletcher.

'Oh hey, Dung.', said Remus.

'What ye got there?', asked Mundungus.

'Magazines. You won't be interested in them are you?'

'Oh, just a magazine... how much is it, though...'

'Uh... four knuts if you want to buy them.'

'How about three for two?'

'Dung. Go away.'

'I saw you two selling them, not very good of a salesman, you two.'

Dora irritatedly spoke, 'Dung if you're not here to buy any, just run along or I'll blast your bottom up in the air.'

'Alright, alright! Sheesh, not even a nice proper chat with ye lot.', said Mundungus. He went away into a dark alleyway.

'Well HE'S the one who can't have a proper chat.', spoke Dora, rolling her eyes. It made Remus chuckle. Dora looked at her husband. She noticed how pale he was.

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