69. I'll Stay with You

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Everyone began to exit Shell Cottage. Others had apparated away. The last people to go was Dora, Kingsley and Remus, following behind everyone. Dora was behind Kingsley and Remus.

Remus looked as he walk, he told her to go home to Teddy. Dora insisted to come.

Remus had to stop and look at her. 'You don't understand, Dora.', said Remus. 'I don't want to lose you. You need to stay with Teddy.'

'But I have been home for months! Months! Remus, I have been feeling helpless for god how long it's been. We'll come back for Teddy, the-'

'Do it for me! Help me, by keeping our son and your mum safe!'

Dora was confused. 'Remus, Harry is in Hogwarts. I can help-'

'Dora- please...'

'What if you're in danger?! Who will help you!'

'That's why you have to stay home! I can protect myself if I don't have to keep worrying about you being on the scene!'

'Let me help!'

'No! ...See you at home with Teddy.', spoke Remus. He walked out fast, ignoring her calls. He patted Kingsley hard on his shoulder to get him to move. Kingsley gave an apolagetic glance at Dora. The two men apparated away.

Dora was dumbstruck. No one defended her cause. She was left alone in Shell Cottage.

'Remus... you stupid idiot.', grunted Dora, emotionally.

She wanted to help Harry. But though it seemed nobody expected or even wanted her company, she apparated back home in resentment. Not to Hogwarts where she wanted, she went back to her family house.

She got in angrily to the house. She banged the door to close. The radio was still on, Lee Jordan was be heard talking in the radio.

Dora's anger diminished when she heard Teddy's cry. She went to see him by the dining area in the kitchen. She heard her mum calming the baby with sweet words.

Her rage vanished when she saw her son in the arms of her mum. Teddy was bounced around softly. It helped stopped the cry and now the baby boy saw his mum. He squirmed to be held by Dora.

'You're back, thank goodness.', said Andromeda.

'Yeah... Remus doesn't want me to come.'

'Good. Cause Teddy needs you.'

Dora thought for a second. 'He needs his dad too.'

Andromeda looked at her in a sad way. 'I know... but one parent has to stay to take care of the baby... I had to do that, when you were one...', said Andromeda. She looked at Teddy for a brief moment. Then she handed him to her.

Dora held her son gently. Teddy snuggled comfortably, happy to feel his mum again. He began to fall sleep.

Dora felt bad and confused of this situation. Teddy needed her. But she wanted to help the Wizarding World as well. She was torn between choosing her own family matter and the world for a future she wanted.

Remus was in this explicit project with everyone, without her. She couldn't stop pondering.

Dora and Andromeda stayed at the dining area. The young man on the radio could be heard from the other room. She and her mum talked about every sentimental thing in these anxiety inducing situation.

Somehow, talking about the time she fell in love with her husband, felt therepeutic. She shared her feelings to her mum.

The more she talked about Remus, the more she dwell on about him. She tried to reasses herself. She was confused of her desire in this moment. She was indignated by her lover's cold response to her, in preventing her from going with ethe others to Hogwarts.

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