63. Resistance

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McGonnagall sat down by the teacher's long table. She was not pleased. None of the other teachers were, except the Carrows and Severus Snape. The old teachers knew very well of their identity as Death Eaters.

Severus Snape stood by the podium. He made his speech. A speech of a killer. He was a headmaster by undeserving merit.

There were about only half of older students from each houses who attended back to Hogwarts. Most of the students did not come back because of the predicting dangers. And absolutely no muggleborns of older students were seen on sight.

The Gryffindor table had only about half of the students to come back to school.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables had lesser.

The Slytherins had more, almost a full table. They had the majority of students, compared to the rest of the houses.

All Gryffindor students believed in Harry. They did not welcome Severus Snape in cheers or a mere clapping hands.

On the other side, Slytherins believed in the new Headmaster. They believed it to heart. Their parents made sure of it. Those who didn't, they shut themselves quiet, afraid of their majority of friends who stood to cheer to believe the Death Eaters were good.

Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were divided. Some believed in Harry. Some believed in the words of Snape. They were indecisive.

Snape had finished his welcoming speech. Contiued to the next event, the procession of 1st year house sorting, using the legendary sorting hat.

The sorting hat welcomed the first year students in a brief solemn sing.

Young kids were called one by one. Sorted to their respective houses. Mostly were getting to Slytherin.

There were muggleborn first years. But they were never called up. They had been left standing in front of Snape, feeling afraid and confused.

'Are you not gonna sort the muggleborns, you killer!' Shouted a voice from the Gryffindor table.

Everyone suddenly bickered loudly. They looked all over the place. They tried to find out who said it at the Gryffindor table.

Neville was sitting near his trusted comrades. They looked at him in fear and told him to shut his mouth. But Neville was not afraid anymore. In fact, he was passionately angered. He was not fazed when Ginny, who was sitting next to him, reminded him to stay low.

'Silence.', said Snape boredly.

The hubbub died down.

'If any one of you have the decency to talk back that way, you will face the consequences of punishment as heavy as a slice cut on your skin... from now on, torturous punishment is to be practiced in detention starting this new term of the year, if-'

Everyone broke into loud bickers. The students did not like it. This was a stretch to the Slytherins as well, though they were sure that they would be immune from that kind of punishment, as long as Severus Snape became Headmaster. But still, it was still unnerving.

'Quiet.', said Snape, sternly. 'It will be applied to those who disobey our new vision, our new rules, and... your own decency. Now you will keep addressing me as Professor Snape and you will show respect to all the teachers in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'

Neville stood up. He climbed up on his seat to stand higher.

Ginny and Seamus tried to pull him down, but he yanked them off and kept standing.

Everyone stared at him. Every students, every teachers, and a happy-looking caretaker, Argus Filch. Filch was excited as he knew, the boy would get the first detention. It will be Filch's first torture since the last decade.

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