♥Bonus Chapter: Cheer Up + Fairy Tail Crossover

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Seijuro: *worried face*

You: Why do you look worried, Seijuro-kun?

Seijuro: *sighs* Airam is being quiet and unhappy today. She ignores me since this morning.

You: Have you tried asking her?

Seijuro: Yes, but she answered 'Nothing'.

You: Oh! I have an idea! *calls the GoM*


Seijuro: So... which one of you made my sister unhappy? *snip snip* ...Was it you, Tetsuya?

Tetsuya: No, Akashi-kun. I would never do things that make her sad.

Seijuro: Or maybe it's you, Daiki.

Daiki: W-what?! Why me?! I didn't do it! I swear!

Seijuro: ... *snip snip*

You: Alright... How about we try to cheer her up and the one that makes her smile will get a prize!

Taiga: Sounds like a great idea.

Takao: What's the prize?

Seijuro: Protection.

Takao: Protection? Protection from what?

Seijuro: From me. *glares*

All: *gulps* H-hai... We'll do our best!


{Airam's room}

Daiki: Hey, Ram. What's up? Wanna play basketball?

Airam: Leave me alone. *glares*

Daiki: B-but...

Airam: I said leave!

Daiki: A-aye... *leaves*


Atsushi: Ai-chin, do you want some chocolates?

Airam: Not now, Atsushi...

Atsushi: Oh okay. I failed. *pouts*

You: (thinking: he gave up so fast.) *sweat drops*


Taiga: Hello. *smiles* I made a spaghetti for you. (Y/N) said it's your favorite.

Airam: I'm not hungry.

Taiga: How about chocolate ice cream? You like them, too, right?

Airam: Yes but no thanks. Now, please leave.

Taiga: *gives up*


Shintaro: *blushing* Airam... *wearing a clown costume*

Airam: What are you wearing?

Shintaro: Etto... I want to cheer you up... This is too embrassing...

Airam: That costume is really inappropriate for a carrot...

Shintaro: Rude...

Airam: Sorry... but I'm not in a mood to laugh right now. Go away.

Shintaro: *sighs* Fine...


Ryouta: Hello~ *sparkles* Aicchi! *hugs her*

Airam: (-_-) Oh geez...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now