♥Chapter Twenty-five

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(A/N: I apologize for the late update. I'm really sorry. Anyway, here's the continuation ~)

The girls gave her a tight embrace. "We've missed you!" Ryomei giggled. As usual, she's miss sun shine.

"Yo, Ram! I heard you got a boyfriend. So, is he really cute?" Diana asked with her smirk. The girls waited for her answer.

"Of course. His name is Tetsuya Kuroko." Airam answered with an emotionless expression. She took out her phone and showed them a photo of Kuroko.

"Whoa! As expected of the empress." Diana let out a chuckle. "He's short..." Azusa mumbled and put a pockey stick in her mouth.

"He looks like a gentleman." Shana commented, pushing her glasses up. (Like Shintaro). "He kinda looks like..." The girls stared at Tetsumi and it went silent for a while.

"Oh, oh! He looks like Kirarincchi!" Ryomei exclaimed in excitement and pointed at Tetsumi. Shana nodded in agreement, while Azusa continued to eat sweets.

"It's like Tetsumi is the girl version of Tetsuya Kuroko!" Diana added.

Airam sighed.

"Airam-sama, the food is ready." One of the maids informed. "Perfect!" The blonde grinned.

After eating, they headed to Airam's room. (The door is fixed XD)

"Your room is filled with teddy bears~" Ryomei said with her eyes sparkling. "And it's so huge!" Diana jumped on the king-sized bed.

"Hey, Diana, mind your manners." Shana scolded. "Oh, sorry." Diana smiled apologetically.

Tetsumi kept silent as she scanned the wall with pictures on. It's all pictures of Airam and her elder brother.

"Akashi-san, where is your brother?" The sky blue haired girl asked. "He went on a vacation..."

"With her girlfriend..." Airam answered with a sad expression on her face.

"What's the matter? You don't like the girl?" Shana asked, worriedly.

"It's not like that. I just..." The red haired girl spoke. "You just don't want him to leave you, right?" Diana walked towards her and patted her back gently.

"But, it's impossible for him to stay with you forever. He will have his own family sooner or later." Shana reminded her. The girls happy mood was replaced by a concern and sad one.

"I can't imagine a life without Sei-niichan." She muttered. "Ohh... You love him..." Ryomei gave her a friendly hug.

"Ryomei, it's normal for them to love each other. They're siblings." Shana said.

"Not like that way. More than siblings..." Ryomei gave her a sad smile. The three girls were shocked and confused. While Azusa paid no attention. (Too busy eating snacks, huh?)

"S-seriously...?" They were speechless. "But you have a boyfriend. And he has a girlfriend. Are you out of your mind?"

"What? No! I love Tetsuya. And I just love Sei-niichan as my elder brother. Quit jumping to conclusions." Airam said, with a serious face.

"Hehehe. I was only kidding." Ryomei grinned and started to laugh. "You should have seen your faces! Hahaha!" She burst out laughing.

Shana face-palmed while Diana is about to blow up like a volcano. "Idiot! That wasn't a funny joke!"

Airam sighed. "Stop being so noisy." Azusa munched on her chips and Tetsumi's emotionless face never changed.

"Oh! I've got an idea! Why don't you invite your boyfriend here!" Ryomei suggested. The other girls nodded in response.

"I don't want to disturb him." Airam crossed her arms over her chest. "Please~" They gave her puppy eyes. Airam let out a sigh. Again.

"Fine. But promise me you won't do anything stupid." "Deal!"


She took out her phone and dialed Tetsuya's number.

[On the phone]

Tetsuya: Hello?

Airam: Uhh... H-hello... Ummm...

Tetsuya: Oh, Airam-san? What is it?

Airam: C-can you... uhh... come over here? ...

Tetsuya: Alright. Can I bring Nigou?

Airam: S-sure! I'll be waiting! Bye! *hungs up*

[Phone call ended]

The girls got ready to meet him.
"I'm so excited." They giggled.

They all waited at Airam's room. Several minutes have passed, finally, he's here.

Kuroko Tetsuya was told to go to Airam's room. And he did.

"Aira--" He was cut off by a bunch of girls staring at him. He was confused.

"Hello! We're Airam Akashi's friend!" They greeted in unison.

"Aww! Such a cute little puppy!"

"Who so cwute! Aren't ya little fella?"

"So this is the cute Tetsuya Kuroko. Nice to meet you!"


They all finally calmed down.

"Tetsuya, this is Ryomei Kaite, Azusa, Diana, Tetsumi and Shana." Airam introduced while pointing each one of them. The girls smiled at him and he smiled back.


"Girls, you should go rest on your rooms. Go ahead." Airam said and the girls nodded. They giggled to each other then quickly left the two alone and headed to the guest rooms.

"Tetsuya, can you stay here for a while? Sei-niichan went to a vacation and Daddy went to a business trip so..."

"Sure, Airam-san. I'll go get my things." "No need. I'll order my maid to do that. Just wait here, okay?" Tetsuya nodded.

Airam went downstairs and told one of the maids to get some of Tetsuya's necessary things.

She also told her butler to prepare food for them, including Nigou.

Then, she went back to her room. And saw Tetsuya playing with Nigou. (THAT'S SO CUTE-- Ehem... That is cute...)

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now