✂Chapter Two

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(A\N: Please accept my sincerest apologies, the first chapter was so short. Gomen minna-san...)

I heard my alarm. I turned it off and did my daily routine. Father said that I will go to Rakuzan with Sei-niichan.

{At Rakuzan}

Sei-niichan gave me a tour before going to his classroom. "Time for class..." I said to myself and started walking towards my classroom.

I introduced myself to the class and sat beside a girl with a pink hair.

Everyone in class is whispering to each other. I ignored them and continued to listen to my teacher.

The pink haired girl is glaring at me.
“I'm the queen here, my name is Ashley.” she said, more like a brag. She doesn't seem to know that Sei-niichan is my brother. Well, I didn't really introduced myself clearly. I just said
‘Hello. I'm Airam.' ...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now