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(Airam is shopping with you...)

You: Uhh... Airam-chan, are you sure you're gonna buy all of these?

Airam: Of course, it's for Tetsu-kun's birthday. I want him to be hap-- Whoa! Look at that cute little teddy bear! *run towards the stuff toys store*

You: Wow! So cute! *eyes sparkles*

Airam: I'll buy it. *hugs the teddy bear* So soft...

You: I'll buy something for Seijuro, too. What are his favorite things?

Airam: Scissors...?

You: Right! How about that one? *points a sharp red scissors*

Airam: Good enough. But you know what else he wants?

You: What???

Airam: *whispers to your ears* A kiss.

You: *blushes* W-what..?? I-I d-don't know...if I can...

Airam: It will be easy. Sei-niichan loves you.

You: I guess you're right...

Airam: Heh. I'm always right. Promise me that you'll do it.

You: I-I d-don't think that's a really g-great ide--

Airam: Promise me, that's an order.

You: A-alright... I p-promise...

Airam: Thank you.

{In the mansion}

You: S-seijuro... *blushing*

Seijuro: Yes?

You: *kisses him on his cheeks while blushing hard*

Seijuro: *smirks* That's so sweet.

You: Airam-chan made me do it...

Seijuro: *kisses you on your cheeks*

You: *blushing hard*

Seijuro: *chuckles* You look like a tomato. But, it's cute, though.

Airam: I'll give you two lovebirds some privacy. Farewell, Mrs. and Mr. Akashi. Jaa~ *leaves*


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KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now