♥Chapter Twenty-three

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(A/N: I am truly sorry for the late update. And I know that this is a super late Valentine Special. I just can't forget about him. Now, I'm like a broken glass, no one comes near me because they will just hurt themselves. Sorry, too dramatic. Anyway, please forgive me.)

You were at your boyfriend's mansion. You were in the kitchen, making cupcakes for your emperor, with Airam.

"I hope Seijuro-kun like this..." You said with a smile on your face. You looked at the little red headed girl. Your happy expression turned to a worried one. Airam looks unhappy.

"What's wrong?" You asked. She didn't made any eye contact.
"Nothing... I guess I'm just... worried... Tetsuya-kun may not like these..." She answered in a low voice. You gave her a joyful smile. "Of course he will like these. You made it for him. There's no reason to be worried. Kuroko-kun will definitely love these..."

"Are you sure...?" You nodded with a brave face. She turned to look at you. And she gave you a small smile.
"Oh! It's finished!" You exclaimed in excitement. You two admired the cupcakes that you both made.
Right. Tetsuya will definitely love this. Airam thought.

{The next day- Rakuzan}

Airam headed to the school gym to give the cupcakes to her elder brother.
"Hello, Ai-chan." Reo greeted her with a smile. "Whoa! Cupcakes? Is that for Sei-chan?" He asked, joyfully. "Yes.I also made cupcakes for the whole team." Airam snapped her fingers and two maids entered the gym, holding boxes full of cupcakes.

"Wow! Thanks, Ai-chan." The team accepted the gift. "Nebuya-niisan, can you give this box to Sei-niichan ?" Airam handed a red box of cupcakes to the gorilla-- I mean Nebuya. "Sure." He replied. "I need to go now, Jaa~" With that, she left.

After a few minutes, Akashi Seijuro came. Nebuya did what he was told. He gave the red box to the red emperor. Akashi Seijuro accepted it. He also noticed a small paper taped on the lower part of the box. He read it. The note says:

Happy Valentine's Day. I love you so much. Thank you for everything. I will be meeting Tetsuya today so go home without me. I'll be alright. Be nice to (Y/N)-neechan.

"Airam is growing up..." He muttered to himself with a sad smile.
"Everyone, I've got a plan." He announced.


{Lunch Time}

You were now heading to the gym to give your present to Akashi Seijuro. You opened the gym door and BOOM!

"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, (Y/N)!" Everyone said. The whole gym was decorated. Then a certain red head emperor, holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers, appeared.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my empress." He said with a smirk. You were blushing hard. Your eyes were clouded with tears of joy. You felt like you're the happiest person in the whole universe.

You placed the box of cupcakes on his hand and gave him an embrace. He hugged back and kissed you on your cheeks. You totally looked like a tomato.


{At Seirin}

Airam went to the Seirin's school gym. (They let her in.)
"Tet~su~ya~" She said. The team suddenly stopped practicing. Airam caught their attention. They walked towards her. "Akashi-san..." Riko smiled. "Hello..." Airam replied.
"Airam-chan... Happy Valentine's Day." Tetsuya Kuroko said with a small smile. "Happy Valentine's day, too. We'll have a date tonight. 6:00 PM, alright?" "Yes, Airam-chan." He answered.

"So sweet~" Riko replied.
"H-hey, Your brother isn't here, right?" Taiga Kagami shivered.
"Nope. Just me." Airam answered with a smirk. "Oh, good." Taiga sighed, feeling relieved.

"I'll see you later then." She gently put her hands on Tetsuya's shoulder and kissed him on his cheeks.
"I love you, Tetsuya." She said before leaving.
"Kuroko-kun, you're so lucky." The team said. Then, a maid and a body guard came in.
"Airam-sama ordered us to assist and protect you, Tetsuya-sama." The two bowed. The maid handed a box of cupcakes to Tetsuya and he gladly accepted it.

The whole team jaw-dropped.
"Kuroko, you're very lucky. Go die." They said. The body guard gave them a death glare.
"We will not let anyone lay a single hand on Tetsuya-sama. It's the empress' orders. And her order's are absolute." He said with a scary voice.

"H-he's more scarier than Coach's father..." The whole team trembled. "Everyone, get back to practice!" Riko yelled. "Hai!"


KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now