Friends, huh?

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Hello, dear readers. Don't read this if you're not interested.

I just saw my ‘best friendwith my other friend. And she said that ****** is her one and only Best Friend.

So what am I?! A f*cking friend?! (Sorry for the bad words. I'm just so pissed off.)

Seriously?! I've been always by her side and she's just treating me like a piece of trash?! How dare she?! I treated her more like a sister. And she do this to me???

I just want to cut of her head, gouge out her eyeballs, cut her tongue and throw her to my fiery flames of hell. But, I can't!

I hate this feeling. She just used me.

What should I do now? Any suggestions?

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now