♥Hunted House

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Seijuro: We're here. Are you all ready?

Daiki: I'm always ready. *smirks*

Taiga: I was born ready. Let's do this thing! *smirks*

Daiki: Tch. You think you're so tough? Heh!

Taiga: I am tough, Ahomine!

Daiki: Bakagami!

Shintaro: Stop acting like children. You're both fool.

Daiki and Taiga: Carrot. *glares*

Seijuro: Be quiet. *snip snip*

(After several minutes of arguing...)

Seijuro: See you later... *vanished*

Ryouta: Ehh?? Akashicchi is not going with us??

Daiki: Of course he won't. He's absolute. Now, come on.

All: *enters the Haunted House*

A scary bloody clown appeared!

Ryouta: Kyaahhh~

Daiki: Wasn't scared at all.

Taiga: Whatever.

Atsushi: This is boring. *munch*

Airam: Agreed. *emotionless face*

Shintaro: *shaking in fear* ...


Taiga: *bored face* ...

Daiki: Yo, dudes! *smirks*

Airam: Can I have some chocolates?

Atsushi: Sure, Ai-chin. *gives her chocolates *

Ryouta: *dramatic* Oh no~

Zombies: *eyes sparkles* K-kise~

Shintaro: *facepalms* Baka.


Taiga: AAHHHH!!! D-DOGS!!!

Daiki: *laughs hard* hahahaha!

Shintaro: Am I really the only one normal here?

Atsushi: *nom nom*

Ryouta: Hahaha Kagamicchi is afraid of dogs!

Airam: Tetsuya-kun, are you alright? You're being so silent today... Do you need a hug?

Tetsuya: *nods* ...

Airam: Hai~ *hugs him*


Daiki: AAAHHHHH! OM MY GOSH! OH, NO!!! *girly voice*

Taiga: *smirks*

Shintaro: ... *frightened*

Atsushi: Mido-chin is turning white. *munch munch*

Shintaro: No, I'm not!

Ryouta: Murasakibaracchi is right. Midorimacchi is scared~

Shintaro: S-shut up!

Airam: *giggles quietly*

Tetsuya: ...


Taiga: Eww!

Daiki: Urgh!

Shintaro: What the?!

Atsushi: They look yum yum... *eyes sparkles*

Airam: S-scary.. headless creatures...

Tetsuya: ...

Finally, the way out!

Daiki: Phew! It's done!

Taiga: I remembered Ahomine was like "Ahhh Oh my gosh!!" hahaha!

Daiki: Tch. Scaredy cat. Scared of dogs! Hahaha!!!

Shintaro: Kids...

Ryouta: That was so scary~

Airam: *looks around* ... *confused face*

Seijuro: Is there something wrong, Airam?

Airam: ... Where's Tetsuya?

Seijuro: Oh. He wasn't able to come. He told me that he was not feeling well so he stayed home.

Airam: ...W-wait... what..??? B-but... he... Then how...?!

Seijuro: ???

Atsushi: ?

Shintaro: You've been acting weird lately, Airam. When we were in the haunted house, you were talking to yourself... and now this...

Airam: W-what...?! Impossible... (0_0) But those eyes... those blue eyes looked at me...


KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now