✂Chapter Sixteen

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Tetsuya's POV

The next day. I heard my phone is ringing. I woke up and answered it.
"Tell Airam to go home now." The caller said. It's Akashi, obviously. As usual, he knows everything.
"She's not ready to face you yet, Akashi-kun." I replied, staring at Sleeping Airam.
"Just tell her." he said before he hungs up. I sighed. What should I do?
"Tetsuya-kun?" she woke up. I turned to look at her.
"Akashi-kun wants you to go home. " I said. "Why? He already have that (hair color) haired girl." she shook her head 'no'.
"You should talk to your brother, Airam-san. He needs you." I gave her a small smile.
"Maybe you're right... Fine. I'll go talk to him. Thanks, Tetsuya-kun." she said, then she headed to the bathroom. And I went to eat breakfast.

Your POV

I can't believe it.. This is all my fault. I covered my face with my hands.
I should apologize to them... After doing my daily routine, I headed to the school. Chihiro was really mad... He even tried to punch the emperor. Does he really care about Airam that much? I drowned in my thoughts. I didn't even paid attention to my teacher.

I turned to look at Akashi beside me, he looks depressed and disappointed.

Airam's POV

Unlike Tetsuya, I didn't went to school today. Instead, I headed back home.
"Welcome home, Airam-sama." The maids and butlers greeted as I walked in the mansion. Glenna carried my bag and looked at me with a worried expression.
"Akashi-sama looked very unhappy last night. I'm glad that you're finally here..." she said.
"I'm going to eat breakfast in my room." I stated and headed to my room. The door is now fixed.
I remember him breaking it... That was funny... I giggled. I looked around my room. I opened my closet and find for something fun. I'm bored. I scanned my closet and I found something interesting. It's a photo album. I opened the book, looking at the old pictures. I saw the photos of Sei-niichan when he was only a cute little baby.
"Kawaii." I giggled. There are pictures of mommy, too, which made me miss her. Then, I heard a knock on my door.
"Enter." I commanded, hiding the photo album in my pillow. The door opened and I saw Glenna carrying a silver tray with foods on it.
"Here is your breakfast, Airam-sama." she spoke politely as she placed the tray on my table.
"I'll leave now, Airam-sama." she bowed. "Wait... Stay here." I told her before she could leave. She nodded and smiled.
"Is there something else you need, Airam-sama?" she asked.
"Yes. I need you to tell me everything about my Mommy..." I answered, looking on the floor. We sat on the couch.
"Well... She's a very kind woman. And she's so beautiful..." she started to talk. My mommy and Glenna are friends. "She did so many nice things to me. She helped me a lot..." Glenna's eyes became teary.

After she told me stories... She left to continue her duties. She did so many good things to me... And in return, I want to do something nice to her... I'll serve her beloved daughter... -Glenna

I layed down on my bed and continued to look at the pictures. After a few minutes, my eyes became heavy. I'm tired... I yawned before falling asleep. I forgot to put the photo album back to the closet... I'll just do it later... Zzzz...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now