✂Chapter Twenty

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(Sorry for the grammatical errors for the previous chapters, I was in a hurry. Really sorry. F/C means Favorite colour. Please enjoy.)

The group of bad girls were arrested for kidnapping (like magic 0_0)...

{In the mansion}

You felt relieved. "I'm glad that you're alright." Seijuro Akashi gave you a small smile. "Thanks." you smiled back. While Airam Akashi is watching the two of you. She felt happy somehow, which confuses her. "Sei-niichan, can I talk to you?" she asked, grabbing his wrist. He nodded. The both of them went to Airam's room.
"Do you like (Y/N)-neechan?" she asked. "No. I love her." he said truthfully. He looked down on the floor, waiting for her sister's angry complaints. But instead, she SMILED.
"Good." she said. He looked at her with a complete confused face.
"I love another girl and you're fine with that?" he asked, confused.
"Yes, as long as it's (Y/N). She's a kind lady and I kinda like her. I'm happy for you, Sei-niichan." she gave him a hug.
"You should confess to her. Give her this." (that was fast) she handed him a small red box. He opened it and saw a sparkling silver ring with (F/C) crystals.
"How did you know her favorite colour?" he asked, teasingly.
"I'm absolute. You should not make her wait." she said before dragging him downstairs. He stared at you, feeling a bit nervous.
"Ganbatte, Sei-niichan." she.whispered then pushed him towards you. "(Y/N) (L/N), will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend?" he kneeled down in front of you, showing you the ring. Your eyes became teary. Your cheeks became reddish. And you felt joy.
"Yes." you smiled as he put the ring on your finger. You hugged him and he hugged you back.
"Alright! Let's get her ready. Come on!" she exclaimed in excitement as she pulled your arm, Dragging you into the dressing room.
"Wear this (F/C) dress." she ordered. The maids helped you on putting your make up and your dress. After that, you went to the living room, where Seijuro Akashi is waiting. He looked at you, amazed.
"You're so beautiful." he compliment and you blushed. Airam giggled quietly. "Alright, you two lovebirds. Go ahead, fly." Airam said. "Where are we going?" you asked as you went in the limousine with the emperor. "On a date." he smirked. Minutes have passed and the limo stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. "This way, please." the waiter said politely, leading you two to your table.
"Airam-chan planned all this?" you asked, quite amazed. He nodded with a smile. "Impressive, right?"
"Yeah. Really impressive." you giggled. You two talked and laughed. You enjoyed your date. You felt so happy that you can explode in excitement.

(A/N: So sweet...)


(On the phone)

Airam: Sei-niichan... is getting married... *tears of joy*

Atasha: Don't cry, Airam-san. Don't be sad...

Airam: I'm not sad. I'm just... *sobs* I'm just so happy!

Atasha: W-what?! You're brother is getting married and you're not thinking of a plan that involves blood and scissors?! Is that really you?!

Airam: Am I really that violent? Geez... Anyways, you're invited.

Atasha: O-okay... Oh! Got to go, call you later bye!

Airam: bye! * hungs up*

Airam: You're all invited!

Ryouta: Thanks ssu!

Daiki: Tch. Whatever.

Shintaro: T-thank you...

Takao: Alright! Wait... invited to what again?

Airam: To Sei-niichan and (Y/N)-neechan's wedding!

Reo: Wow, Sei-chan is getting married. That's cool, Ai-chan.

Taiga: Ne, Airam, When are you getting married?

Airam: *blushes* W-what? I-I don't k-know... W-why would you ask something like that?!

Taiga: Actually, Kuroko told me to ask you that.

Reo: Oh! Chi-chan asked that, too!

Chihiro and Tetsuya: *blushes* Etto...

Seijuro: *smirks* I think I know what's going on...

Atsushi: Ai-chin, good luck. *munch munch*

You: *giggles*

Daiki: Tch. Not so sweet.

Airam: *glares*

Daiki: I-I mean... the c-candies.. are not so sweet...

Atsushi: Oi, Dai-chin is being rude to my precious candies. I will crush you. *glares*

Daiki: I NEED TO GO BYE!!!

Momoi: Dai-chan! *facepalms*

Ryouta: Goodbye ssu *kira kira sparkles* Muahhh! *winks*

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now