♥Chapter Twenty-two

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The match has started. The gap between their scores are getting bigger and bigger. Seirin is having a hard time. Taiga Kagami is getting angrier and the team is getting weaker and weaker every second but no one is giving up. No one wants to lose. No one wants to break their promises. They all look like bloodthirsty vampires. But something changed everything... It went good...no... great for Seirin. One of the Generation of Miracles is making a huge miracle. Everyone watched the match with wide eyes. They saw a jaw-dropping basketball match. After several minutes of struggling, Seirin break free.

^^Match ended^^

"...Impossible.. I lost..." Akashi Seijuro's eyes widen. He can't believe it. They can't believe it. Seirin defeated Rakuzan. Taiga and Tetsuya defeated the absolute emperor, Seijuro Akashi. Your eyes became teary as you stared at your boyfriend. You quickly gave him a warm hug. Airam couldn't believe it either. But it happened, and nothing can change that... Not anymore...
"Sei-niichan...I'm so sorry... I told Tetsuya to beat you but-"

"You are my little sister. You made me realized something. Thank you." he gave a sad smile. Airam gave her an embrace.
"Now...Go make me proud.." he pats her head softly. "Hai~" she runs towards the Seirin Team.
"Akashi-san, I'm sorr--" Riko stopped because Airam hugged Tetsuya. "It's alright..." she smiled which made the whole team say 'WHAT?!'. "So...What's the secret?" Taiga asked, curiously. Hyuga and Riko glared at him.
"Tetsu-kun, I like you...Please be mine." she confessed, blushing a bit. "I'm yours..." Tetsuya said, giving her a smile. "Awww..." the team watched the two lovebirds.
"W-what about me?" a familiar voice said. It was Momoi Satsuki. She's sobbing. "I'm here for you, Satsuki." Aomine Daiki said, hugging the pink haired girl.

Fans: AoMoi!!! Whooo!!!! Sweet!!!


"I wish you happiness, Tetsu-kun." Momoi smiled, wiping her tears away. "Thank you."...

I guess... Everyone wins. Congratulations, minna. Have a nice day. Thanks for everything. ^_^

Ryouta: Wedding! Wedding!

Shintaro: Shut up, Kise. You're annoying.

Takao: I feel bad for you, Shin-chan. Sorry, Ai-chan chose Kuroko-kun.

Airam: Ehh? Shintaro-niichan likes me? But I thought you like girls that are older than you...

Shintaro: I do like you but... as a little sister... I guess... *blushes*

Airam: Sure, Oniichan. *smiles*

Takao: Too much cuteness... *faints*

Taiga: Congratulations, Kuroko.

Tetsuya: Arigato, Kagami-kun.

Atsushi: Ai-chin likes me, too, right? *munch munch*

Airam: Of course. (^_^)

Seijuro: Tetsuya, if you hurt my sister, I'll make sure you'll suffer.

Airam: Sei-niichan...

Tetsuya: *serious face* I won't, Akashi-kun. I promise.

Nigou: Arf! Arf! *happy*

Airam: Kawaii~ *carries Nigou*

Taiga: Kyaahhhh!!! *runs away*

Daiki: Tch. Gay. (-_-)

You: Hahahaha... .

Takao: *laughs hard*

Chihiro: ....

Mitobe: ....

Koganei: Mitobe said that they're a perfect couple. AiKu. ^w^

Airam: ....

Seijuro: ....

Kuroko: ...

You: ...

Ryouta: Uhh... Goodbye, minna~

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now