✂Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I want you to be a part of this story. (L/N) means Last Name, and
(Y/N) means Your Name. Okay? Let's start.

You are a new student at Rakuzan. You are smart so you're in the same class with Seijuro Akashi.
"Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." you introduced yourself to the whole class because your teacher told you so. You sat next to the red haired emperor. He was staring at you. You blushed then looked away, feeling shy. After a few months, you became best friends with Seijuro Akashi. He told you everything about him, including what happened to his mother. And he also told you about his sister and you listen. Seijuro liked you, as a friend and you did, too. You became a good listener every time he have a problem. He often invite you to his mansion, which made her sister jealous. He spends most of his time with you, not his sister. One day, his father went on a business trip and he said that his father will be gone for two months so he invited you over to his mansion. He needed a friend, he needed you.

{In Akashi's Mansion}

"Airam, she'll be staying here while Father is gone. So be nice to her, alright?" Seijuro said, you stood beside him. "Yeah, whatever." she said coldly. "Hi, Airam-chan, you remember me?" you asked sweetly, hoping she would like you.
"Of course. You always spend time with my Sei-niichan." she replied, glaring at you.
"Ah, gomen." you apologized. You are a kind and sweet person so you understand her.
"I'll cook dinner." you suggested and Seijuro agreed.
"Airam-chan, what is your favorite food?" you asked but she ignored you. She pouted and sat on the couch. You giggled quietly at her cuteness.
"What's funny?" she asked coldly.
"Nothing...It's just you're so cute." you answered with a sweet smile, and surprisingly, she blushed at your compliment. You headed to the kitchen. "Ne, what is Airam-chan's favorite food?" you asked the maid.
"Airam-sama loves to eat spaghetti." the maid answered. You nodded and then cooked spaghetti.

^^Time Skip^^

"Dinner is ready." you said, the maids helped you prepared dinner.

Airam and Seijuro sat on the chairs.
"Thanks for the food." Seijuro said with a small smile while Airam remained silent, staring at the food that you cooked. You felt nervous.
'Please like it...please...' you begged in your mind.

The two tasted the spaghetti that you made. "It's delicious." Seijuro smiled. You felt glad yet still nervous. You noticed that when Airam tasted the food, her eyes slightly widen.
"D-did you liked it, Airam-chan?" you asked nervously. She didn't said anything. Instead, she went upstairs, entering her room.
"Don't worry, I know she liked it. Because, you cooked just like Mother." Seijuro said, not making any eye contact. You gave him a small smile. After dinner, you went to your room.

(A/N: You have your own room because you often come in the mansion.)

You fell asleep.

The next day...

You cooked breakfast and as usual, Airam will ignore you. After that, you all went to school. She kept on ignoring you...well..the both of you... She always talk to Chihiro. They both get along. Seijuro got a little jealous because Airam ignore him.

After classes, you went to the school court to watch Rakuzan Basketball team practice. You sat beside Airam on the bench.
"Etto...Airam-chan, are you mad at me?" you asked. "Yes." she answered, not making any eye contact. "Why?" you asked again.
"Because...because..." You saw Airam clenching her fist.
"You stole Sei-niichan from me!" she yelled and started crying. Everyone in the court looked at us, including Seijuro.
"N-no...I-I didn't m-mean t-" you stuttered. She ran away. You want to stop her but you froze.
"Why did you made her cry?" Chihiro asked, he seems angry. Seijuro ran after her.
"N-no...I d-didnt.." you shakily answered.

Seijuro's POV

Where is she? I kept finding her. The sky was dark and it's raining... I'm gettinv worried. If something happens to her, I can't forgive myself.
"I promise." it kept echoing in my mind.The rain is becoming heavier.

After a few minutes, I finally found her. I saw her sitting on a park bench, crying.

I quickly hugged her.
"Sei-niichan..." she sobs. I looked at her and she's...glaring at me.
"You promised!" she shouted angrily. "You didn't paid much time to me when you met that girl!" she cried.

To be continued...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now