♥Bonus Chapter: What if Tetsu, the teddy bear, became a human?

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Airam Akashi went to her room after having a relaxing bath. She changed her clothes then layed herself on her comfortable bed. She looked around her room that were filled with soft and cuddly teddy bears. She hugged her favorite blue teddy bear, Tetsu. And fell asleep.


She felt like was hugging a person. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a familiar blue haired boy. Her eyes widen in realization. She quickly pulled away from the hug.

"T-tetsu?! What happened to you?! You look exactly like Tetsuya!" She asked loudly. Then, the blue haired boy put his index finger on her lips. The red haired girl blushed. "Shhh... I don't know what happened, too. And I'm not Tetsuya. But, will you cuddle me more?" He said with a cute emotionless face.

"W-wha..?" She looks completely confused. "Cuddle... Cuddle..." He repeated with a cute face. She slowly hugged the boy, feeling awkward.

"Thanks, Airam-chan." He said, then closed his eyes. While the red empress looks like a tomato.


Meanwhile, outside the room:

Daiki: Tetsu is good at acting. He looks so innocent. His lack of presence and misdirection is really useful. My plan worked!

Ryouta: It was Midorimacchi's plan, Aominecchi.

Shintaro: I can't believe you actually did that. I was being sarcastic, you idiots.

Daiki: Well... I'm sure that it will turn out pretty well.

Seijuro: *comes out of nowhere* Are you sure, Aho? *gave a death glare*

Daiki: ...Or not. *gulps*

Ryouta: Kyaaahhh! Akashicchi! *runs away*

Shintaro: I knew it will be a bad day for Cancers today... Nanodayo! *dashed off*

Daiki: U-uhh... It's your time to shine, Ryo Sakurai! *pulls the apologetic mushroom*

Ryo: That hurts, Aomine-kun.

Daiki: Oh, sorry. *scratches the back of his neck*

Ryo: Sorry for making you apologize! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! Gomenasai! *bows nine million times*

Daiki: *runs for his life* Someone please save me!

Shoichi: You're such an idiot, Ahomine. *smirks*

Yukio: Oi! Kise! Come back here! I'll kick you!

Takao: Poor Shin-chan... Don't worry! I'll save y-- *fell on the staircase*

Himuro: I'm glad you're not like them, Atsushi. *smiles*

Atsushi: *munch munch* Muro-chin, give me more candies. *bored face*

Himuro: Fine.

Seijuro: What are you all doing in my mansion?! Get out now!

All: HAI! GOMENASAI! *runs*

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now