♥Bonus Chapter: Yandere!Tetsuya Kuroko

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Airam was shopping when she saw Taiga and the Seirin basketball team. They had a little conversation. Airam can't help but to laugh when Izuki jokes around and his senpais would scold him.

Little did they know, a jealous teal-haired boy was watching them. Jealousy and anger took over him.

You're mine and mine only.

He thought.

He took out his phone and dialed Airam's cellphone number.

[Call started]

Airam: Hello?

Tetsuya: Airam-chan, can you come here? I'm not feeling well...

Airam: Alright. I'll be right there. Wait for me.

Tetsuya: Hai. Thank you. Bye.

Airam: Bye.

[Call ended]

Airam said 'goodbye' to them and headed to her boyfriend's house. It took long because his house is a little far.

{Tetsuya's house}

Airam knocked and the door opened. She saw Tetsuya.

"My parents are on a vacation so they won't be here for a week." He said. Airam entered. She felt uneasy. There's something wrong.

"Okay. You must rest, Tetsuya."

"I'll go get you some water."

"No, I can do it myself. You should rest."

"It's okay. Please let me do it."

Airam just sighed and nodded.

Tetsuya went to the kitchen to get some water.

After a while, he came back.

"Here." He handed her the glass of water. "Thanks." She accepted it and drank it.

She felt dizzy and sleepy.

"T-tetsuya..." She suddenly dropped the glass and it shattered. She collapsed on the floor.

Tetsuya's lips turned into a smirk.

^^Time Skip^^

Airam slowly opened her eyes, still feeling a little bit sleepy. Her eyes widen once she realized that she was inside a large cage.

(Whoa... Where did he get that???)

Tetsuya was watching her little doll.

"Tetsuya! Why am I in this cage?" She asked.

"Because I don't want you to talk to other guys except me." He answered. He's gone totally mad.

"W-what? Let me out of here! Tetsuya!"

"No can do, my imprisoned empress." He chuckled evilly.

"Tetsuya! Please! Let me out!"

"Be quiet or I'll cut you." He said, holding a blade.

Airam suddenly got silent. She was trembling in fear. Is this really Tetsuya...?

"Good girl. Oh, I almost forgot." He put teddy bears inside the cage.

"I don't want you to be bored so I bought you stuff toys. You like them, right?"

She kept silent.


{6:30 PM}

"It must be hard being in there all the time. You can come out for a little while." He said, unlocking the lock.

Airam came out.

"Don't try to escape, alright? I'll make dinner. Stay here." She nodded and sat on the edge of the bed.

I need to find a weapon... Wait... I can't hurt Tetsuya... Is he even Tetsuya? But still... She was so confused.

Where's my cellphone? She looked around but her cellphone was nowhere to be found.

Then, Tetsuya came back with a tray of food in his hand.

"Here." He gave it to her.

After eating, she sat beside Tetsuya on the floor, looking at the sky from the window.

Silence filled the room. Until she decided to speak.

"U-uhh... Tetsuya... Please let me go home. Let's just pretend that none of these happened. Please."

"I can't do that..."

"Why not?"

"Because I want you to stay."

"You don't need to do any of these. I won't leave you... Just please--"

"Go back inside." He grabbed her arm harshly and threw her in the cage. He locked it.

"T-tetsuya... Please... Let me go..." But he didn't listened to her pleads.

"I will never let you go."


(A/N: So, how was it? Is it good? I hope it's good. I can't imagine Tetsuya being a yandere. So, writing this story made me feel weird.

But one question remained...


KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now