✂Chapter Five

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I can't believe it, Taiga is defying my sadist brother.
"I think you should leave." I said, slightly pushing him away.

But he was too strong. "Go away." Sei-niichan said.
"No." he said, bravely.

I have no choice. I wasso angry because he has a hard head. I pulled his arm, dragging him out of the court. "Oi! Let go of me!" he commanded. But I ignored him and continued to drag him away. After a few minutes, he finally gave up.

We sat on a bench nearby.

I wonder what their talking about... I looked at Kagami and he looks stressed.
"I'm really sorry." I said, hoping to cheer him up. But it didn't work. He didn't bother saying a word.
"Don't worry, Tetsuya will be alright." I replied, but he is still worried. I sighed.
"Are you hungry? Let's buy some foods." I smiled, but still, he ignored me. I am getting a little pissed off.
"Fine. I'll just buy some foods. I'll be back. " I said before dashing off.

Taiga's POV:

I watched Airam as she left. I felt a little guilt. I decided to follow her.

I saw her entering a store nearby, I waited for her. Minutes have passed, finally she walked out of the store. But three guys surrounded her. One guy pinned her to a wall, I can hear her screaming. I approached them. I quickly punched the guy who was pinning her. I beat them up.
"Are you alright? " I asked worriedly. She nodded, she seems scared and nervous.
"Come on." I said. I was about to take a step but she grabbed my arm.
"Taiga-kun, carry me." she ordered. What the hell?! I sighed. I can't oppose her orders, or else she'll probably kill me. I carried her bridal-style and went to the court.

They stared at me with confused faces, except for Akashi, he was glaring at me.
"Atsushi..." Akashi spoke, more like a command. Murasakibara nodded, dropped his chips on the floor intentionally, then walked towards us.

He reach out his huge hands.
"I'll carry her. " He said, lazily.

I let him carry her. Then, he walked towards Akashi again, while carrying Airam. I am confused right now.
"What have you done?" Akashi asked, with disappointment in his voice.
"I saved her life." I answered, with confidence. Akashi looked at Airam.
"It's true, Sei-niichan." She replied.
"I don't trust him." Ahomine said, yes, Ahomine. I hate him....

Airam glared at him. "We didn't asked for your opinion, Ahomine." she spoke. Hahahaha!
"Atsushi and Ryouta, go outside with Airam. " Akashi ordered. The two nodded then went outside.

This is bad...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now