✂Chapter Fifthteen

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Seijuro Akashi couldn't believe how angry Airam was. He made her cry.
"A-airam...Calm down." he said, holding her hand, but it didn't help at all. "Leave me alone!" she yelled, pushing him away. Seijuro got pissed off. "Fine! I'm tired of being your brother anyway!" he yelled back, angrily. But he completely regretted it. "S-sei..." Airam's eyes widen.

And she quickly ran away. Seijuro couldn't do anything. He froze. He can't believe he said that... He went back to the school court to take a break. He didn't even bother chasing her innocent little sister.

The team asked him so many questions, but he remained silent. He don't know what to say. Chihiro got mad and couldn't control his self any longer. He grabbed Seijuro's collar harshly. Everyone gasped and stared at them with eyes widen.

Seijuro managed to keep his emotionless expression.
"How could you keep that annoying poker face when your sister is out there, crying?! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Chihiro yelled, ready to punch Seijuro. But Nebuya stopped him.

Airam's POV

I ran and ran. I'm tired of being your brother anyway! It keep on echoing in my mind. How could he say that to me? Tears started to blur my vision. I suddenly bumped onto someone.
"G-gomenasai..." I sobbed. I looked up and saw a familiar bluenette.
"Airam-san, why are you crying?" Tetsuya Kuroko asked, worriedly. He dropped his umbrella and hugged her, trying to comfort her.
"T-tetsuya-kun..." I cried... I hate my weakness...
"Come on, I'll walk you home." he said, holding my hand.
"N-no...I don't want to go home... " I replied, tugging on his sleeve.
"Do you want to stay at my house for a while?" he suggested. I nodded. I can't face Sei-niichan right now.

Kuroko started to walk and I followed him.

{In Tetsuya's house}

"My parents are on vacation right now, so we're the only ones here." he explained, handing me a towel.

I looked around his house. As expected, it's really clean.
"I'll call my maid to bring me some clothes." I said as I took out my phone. Yes, my cellphone is water proof. After a few minutes, Glenna came. She gave me my clothes and stuffs that I might need.
"Airam-sama, are you sure you want to stay here?" Glenna asked, worriedly.
"Only for a while. Please don't tell Sei-niichan." I answered. She nodded before leaving.

I sat beside Tetsuya on the couch.
"Airam-san, are you feeling alright now?" he asked. I nodded and thanked him. I felt calm whenever I'm with him.
"Did something happened between you and Akashi-san?" he asked, worried. "Y-yes. He told me that...he didn't want to be my brother anymore..." I sobbed again. He hugged me and stroke my hair gently. "I'm sure he didn't mean that." he said, making me calm. I cried on his chest... Sei-niichan...


Tetsuya's POV

She cried herself to sleep. She looks like an angel... I carried her and put her on my bed.
"Good night, Airam-san." I whispered before going to sleep...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now