♥Chapter Twenty-eight

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{Next morning...}

Airam's eyes slowly opened. She saw the beautiful sun shining brightly from her window. Then, she realized.

Tetsuya's arms were wrapped around her. She immediately blushed. Seeing his face so close...

(Uwaahhh! Tetsu is so kawaii~ Even if he's hair is messy)

She gave him a short kiss on his lips.

(I'll tell Akashi *smirks* :3)

Tetsuya woke up. "Good morning." He smiled. "Good morning, Tetsuya." She greeted.

"Uhh... Tetsuya... Can you let me go now?" She asked with an apologetic and nervous smile. But he only hugged her tighter.

"No. Let's stay like this for a few more minutes." He closed his eyes again. She has never seen this side of Tetsuya until now. Well Tetsuya, as we all know, is polite, kind and a gentleman.

But right now, something changed.

(Lol Please do not take this seriously, It's just my opinion XD)

Minutes have passed, but Tetsuya is still hugging her. It's like he's not planning on letting her go.

(Don't pretend that you're not enjoying it, mrs. Kuroko. ;) )

Then, someone knocked on the door.

Airam was panicking. Oh,no! I can't let them see this! Gosh, stop being so cute, Tetsuya. She thought.

The doorknob is making a click sound. And the door slowly opened.

The girls entered.

"Good mor-- Oh! It's look like we've interrupted you." Ryomei winks.

Airam's cheeks were turning red. The girls saw Tetsuya hugging her.

Tetsuya doesn't seem to care. (0_0)

"C'mon, Let's eat breakfast." Azusa said with her usual lazy tone.

"Hai! Hai! Breakfast!" Ryomei sung in joy. (This gal is crazy...)

"Tetsuya, let's eat breakfast..." She tried to struggle but Tetsuya is suprisingly strong. (Surprisingly...)

He opened his left eye to look at her.
"It's pointless to struggle, my empress." She blushed even more.

(Dude, is that even possible?)

The girls were giggling. "Sweet..." Diana whispered with her thumbs up.

"Tetsuya, please."

"Okay, okay. I was just kidding." He finally let her go.

"Wait for us downstairs." Airam said to her friends.

"Let's give them some privacy~" Shana pushes them through the door, dragging them outside. Ryomei and Diana pouted while the other two doesn't seem to care at all.

When the girls left, Tetsuya got up carefully, not wanting to wake his sleeping puppy.

Airam turned to him and placed her hands on his hair.

"Your hair is messy." She said, fixing his messy teal hair.

Tetsuya grabbed her right hand and leaned his face closer to her.


"T-tetsuya?" She had a confused look on her face.

"I'm sorry for earlier, Airam-chan."

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now