✂Chapter Eight

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Airam's POV

I woke up... It's Saturday today. No school... I went to my bathroom to wash my face and change clothes. Today, I'm wearing a black T-shirt with 'RED EMPRESS ' written on it in a red font.

I was walking down stairs when I heard Daddy and Sei-niichan talking. I stopped to listen.
"If that is what you want, father. I will marry her." I heard Sei-niichan's voice. 'What are they talking about? Marry who?' I wondered.
"It's for the good. You'll learn to love her soon, son. And we will visit them later in the afternoon to talk about your marriage. I have to go." Daddy said before he left.
'I can't believe it... Sei-niichan is getting married... ' I thought, feeling disappointed and furious.

Sei-niichan noticed me and he stared at me with sad eyes. I ran to him and gave him a hug.
"Why did you agreed, Sei-niichan? Why???" I asked, letting my tears rolled down.
"It's okay..." he pats my head gently.
"No, it's not okay! You promised to mommy that you will always with me!" I cried. I missed Mommy. And I know that she didn't want this.
"Don't worry. You're still the second girl I loved the most. The first one is Mother. Don't cry." he said. I wiped my tears away and he pats my head again, softly.
"Airam-sama, what would you want for breakfast?" Glenna asked, politely. Sei-niichan kissed me on my forehead before leaving.
"Chocolate parfait and pancakes with chocolate syrup." I answered. She nodded then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

^^Time Skip^^

We finally arrived at their mansion. The Demetri Clan. We walked in a fancy mansion.

The butler lead us to the dining room. There's a long and fancy table with many foods.

The Demetri family is already sitting, waiting for our arrival.

I sat next to Sei-niichan.
"This is our lovely daughter, Naomi Demetri." the wife said, introducing her daughter. Naomi smiled. She looks... Kind.
"This is my son, Seijuro Akashi." Daddy replied. Sei-niichan smiled, too. "And my youngest daughter, Airam Akashi." he added. I didn't smile, I kept my emotionless face.
"Wow, she is so cute." Naomi exclaimed in excitement.

She is kind... "Airam, Naomi should sit next to Seijuro. Please, exchange seats." Daddy said.
'What?! You are insane...' I thought.Everyone is staring at me, waiting for me to stand. I have no choice. I exchanged seats with Naomi, feeling annoyed. 'I hate everything.'

Naomi is now beside Sei-niichan. I swear, I'm going to explode like a volcano.
"So, let's talk about the marriage... " Mr. Demetri started to explain. I wasn't paying attention at all. I need to stop this wedding. But how??? And why did Sei-niichan agreed?!

I need help. "Excuse me." I said before dashing off. The maid led me to the comfort room.

I took my phone and called my best friend, Atasha Nicolle.

[On the phone]

Atasha: Hello?

Me/Airam: Tasha-san! I need your help... It's an emergency.

Atasha: Airam-san, What is it?

Me: It's a 'Beloved brother getting married' emergency.

Atasha: Akashi-kun is getting married?! To who?!

Airam: A kind lady named Naomi Demetri... She's actually too nice, it's sickening me. What should I do???

I don't want Sei-niichan to marry someone he doesn't love...

Atasha: Well... He did agreed... Maybe he likes the girl.

Airam: No! Sei-niichan is mine and mine only!

Atasha: Calm down. Don't you think you're being selfish? If you really love him, then, don't do things that will hurt him.

Airam: I guess you're right... I just don't want Sei-niichan to be owned bu someone else. But I'll try to set him free. Thanks, best friend. Goodbye~ *hung up*

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now