♥Tataima~ Arigatou~

353 22 14

(We've got guests!)

EmpressAkashiSetsuna as Setsuna

_KurokoTamaki_ as Tamaki

Kimi_Akashi as Kimi
I hope you don't mind, sisters!)

Airam: Hello! I'm back~ I'm very thankful for you guys (and girls ^_^). Thank you thank you thank you so much for the votes and comments and all! I love you!

Tetsuya: The last part is unnecessary.

Airam: Of course it's necessary! It's true. I do love them. They made me so happy. I really really really love you all. I'm so glad right now. Thank you for everything.

Tetsuya: Airam-chan...

(Background sound: Sad music playing)

Airam: Oh. You don't need to be jealous, Tetsuya. I'm yours and your mine. Period.

Tetsuya: ...

Airam: I'm sorry, okay? Can you just forgive me? *hugs Tetsuya with puppy eyes*

Tetsuya: No, Airam-chan.

Airam: Arre? Nande?

Tetsuya: Because you didn't wear the swimsuit Momoi-san bought for you.

Airam: (0_0) What?

Tetsuya: Nothing. Fine, I forgive you. But in one condition. *leans his face closer*

Airam: *puts her index finger on his lips, stopping him*

Tetsuya: *confused and a bit shock*

Airam: Setsuna-neechan will scold me again. *pouts*

Tetsuya: She doesn't have to know...

Airam: (0_0) Huh?! Oi, Tetsuya! What are y--

Tamaki: Ehh? My cute little brother is becoming naughty... *winks*

Kimi: Hey, hey. Tetsuya Kuroko,  quit goofing around. *glares* If you don't want to die early.

Tetsuya: I-I'm sorry, Kimi Akashi-san...

Setsuna: Just don't kiss her too much. Or I'll hurt you.

Tamaki: Nuuhhh! Please don't hurt my cute brother~ *hugs Tetsuya*

Kimi: We're warning you. But, if my little sis is happy then I'm happy for her.

Setsuna: Yeah. Congratulations, little sis. And Tetsuya. Take care of her, alright?

Tetsuya: I promise to be the best man for her. *looks at Airam*

Airam: *blushes*

Tamaki: Awww... (♥♥)  So sweet! I wish you your happiness~ Oh! Let's have a celebration for the bride and groom!

(Let's just say that Seijuro Akashi is already married to (Girl's Name/you). Hahaha)

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now