♥Chapter Twenty-seven

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After a few minutes, they pulled back, blushing.

"Uhh... I-I'll go check on the girls..." She was about to leave when he held her wrist, stopping her. She turned to look at Tetsuya.

"W-what is it?" She asked.

Tetsuya kept silent and stared at her with his usual cute emotionless expression. But he seems deep in thought.

"Tetsuya?" Airam interrupted.

"Ah, gomene. It's nothing." He finally snapped out to reality. He let go of her wrist.

"Okay." She turned around and headed to the door. Tetsuya watched her as she left. There's something inside him that didn't wanted her to leave.

I want you to stay... He thought.

{Living room}

"You two kissed?!"


"That's so sweet." Tetsumi commented with a small smile. Shana nodded. And Diana has a smirk on her face.

"Should I tell Seijuro?" Diana showed her phone, teasing her.

"That's so mean." Ryomei pouted but their happy teasing faces were replaced by a shocked one.

Airam snatched her phone quickly.

(Whoa, that's fast.)

Her sweet aura has became a dark one. "Keep your mouth shut." She broke the cellphone with just one hand, showing her how angry she is.

The girls shivered in fear. They never seen her so pissed off.

"And don't call Sei-niichan by his first name." She dropped the broken pieces of the cellphone on the floor.

"M-my cellphone..." Diana stuttered dramatically. The others were still in a state of shock.

{Airam's room}

She was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at Tetsuya who was sleeping. Nigou is sleeping beside him.

(Gosh! He looks like an angel! XD)

Then, she heard Tetsuya's phone ringing. She took it, carefully leaving the room. She didn't want to ruin his sleep.

She closed the door from the outside and answered it.

[Call started]

Caller: Yo. This is me. Where have you been, Kuroko?

Airam: Who are you?

Caller: Uhhh... wait... are you Airam Akashi?

Airam: Answer my question.

Caller: Uhh... yeah, I'm Taiga Kagami. Kuroko's teammate. Where is he?

Airam: He's in my mansion. And he will be staying here for awhile.

Taiga: What?

Airam: I do not want to repeat myself.

Taiga: *mutters in English* Tch. Bossy. (Lol. Just pretend that they're speaking in Japanese.)

Airam: *speaks in English* I heard that. I'm not bossy.

Taiga: Ah! Gomen! Gomen! Bye!

[Call ended]

She sighed and entered the room again. (0///0) She saw an angel sleeping. Lucky me!

She sat beside him and leaned closer to his face. (Who wouldn't? XD)

She caress his cute face, softly and gently. She smiled, realizing how lucky she is to have a boyfriend like Tetsuya.

(Ai is so lucky~ I don't wanna be the author anymore T_T)

She kissed her on his cheeks, almost fainted at his cuteness. Well, almost.

(XD OMG Please don't kill me)

He opened his eyes slowly and his lips formed an angelic smile.

(KYAAAHHH~ Nuuhh! I'm gonna die~*le nosebleeds*)



"Will you do me a favor?"

"Huh? What favor?"

"Will you stay with me forever?"

"Sure, Tetsuya." He intertwined his fingers with hers, smiling.


Ryouta: Wedding! Wedding!

Daiki: Oh yeah! When is it?

Airam: We haven't...

Seijuro: What? Wedding?

Shintaro: Airam is going to marry Kuroko.

Seijuro: What is the meaning of this, Tetsuya?

Tetsuya: I'll mary your sister. And I won't let you or anyone stop me. *death glares*

I'll mary your princess, and make her my queen.~

Seijuro: I'm proud of you, Tetsuya.

Atsushi: Make sure that your wedding cake is tall.

Airam: Thank you, Sei-niichan. *hugs him*

Seijuro: *chuckles and pats her head* Anything for my baby sister.

Airam: I'm not a baby anymore. *pouts*

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now