(#1)♥ That Awkward Moment...

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That awkward moment...

Tetsuya: *finished bathing Nigou*

Taiga: Hey, Romeo, your girl is here.

Airam: Tet~su~ya! *hugs his arm*

Tetsuya: Airam-chan, what are you doing here?

Airam: I'm here to fetch you! Come on! There's no time! My Daddy doesn't like to wait! *pulls him*

Tetsuya: W-wait... But, I need to put clothes on Nigou...

Airam: Taiga-kun will take care of him. Just, come on!

Taiga: Whut?! I'm not going to babysit that monster!

Airam: Don't be mean! My baby is not a monster! Now be a gentleman and take care of him for a while.

Taiga: Y-your baby?! That's a dog!

Airam: A cute puppy! Nigou, Uncle Taiga will take care of you while Mama and Papa are gone. Jaa~

Tetsuya: ....

Taiga: *sighs* F-fine...


Taiga: C-come on now... Be a good boy and... GAHHH! Stop barking!

Nigou: Arf! Arf!

Taiga: N-no! Don't come near me! I'm your uncle Taiga!

Nigou: Arf! Arf!

Taiga: KYAAAHHHH! NOOOO! *faints*

Nigou: Arf? Arf?

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now