✂Bonus Chapter: Black Butler

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Takao: Hahaha! Shin-chan, are you still mad?

Shintaro: Hmp!

Airam: Why? What happened?

Takao: Well, we were buying some stuffs at the store when someone bumped into him. Shin-chan is really mad because the guy didn't even apologized.

Airam: What does he look like?

Takao: He has black hair and wearing a black suit. It's funny that he has the same voice as Shin-chan.

You: Really?

Shintaro: Shut up, nanodayo.

Sebastian: It seems like I'm the guy that you're talking about. *smirks* Am I right, miss beautiful?

Takao: Right! He's the one! Look, Shin-chan!

Airam: He's cute...

Sebastian: What is your name, miss?

You: I'm (Y/N) (L/N). * smiles*

Ciel: Oi! Sebastian! What are y- *eyes widen* ... *stares at Airam*

Airam: Nani?

Ciel: Uhh... Etto... Sebastian...

Sebastian: Softness... *playing with a kitten* 

Shintaro: I hate cats...

Ciel: Sebastian! Who is this girl?

Sebastian: Oh, this is Lady (Y/N).

Ciel: No... The red haired girl..

Airam: Hello, I'm Airam Akashi.

Ciel: O-oh, hello. I'm Ciel Phantomhive. Nice to meet you.

Airam: Nice to meet you, too. *smiles*

Sebastian: Seems like young master is interested about Lady Airam.

Ciel: Shut up, Sebastian. Come on.

Airam: Goodbye.

You: Goodbye, Sebastian.

Sebastian: Goodbye, Lady (Y/N). Can we see each other again?

You: Sure

Shintaro: Hmp. *walks away*

Takao: Wait up, Shin-chan! *catches up with Shintaro*

Airam and You: They're so cute... *giggles*

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now