♥Bonus Chapter: Jealous!Airam x Tetsuya

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{School- Seirin High Gym}

A shy girl with brownish hair named Kyla was watching the basketball team's practice. She has a crush on Tetsuya Kuroko.

(That's a big mistake, gal.)

She decided to confess to him, even she knew he has a girlfriend. Or should I say, fiancée.

After the practice, she walked towards him. He was wiping away his sweat with a towel, which by the way, looked totally hot.

“A-ano...K-kuroko-kun... Can I talk to you?” She asked nervously.

Little did they know, a jealous red haired monster *coughs* I mean, girl, was watching.

(Airam didn't attend school just to watch Tetsuya... Stalker...)

“Sure. What is it?” He asked politely.

“U-umm... I like... I like you, Kuroko-kun!” She yelled with confidence. The team heard her.

“Sorry, but Kuroko-kun has a girlfriend.” Riko Aida smiled apologetically. Trying to be as nice as possible.

“I-I know. But... it's just... I really like Kuroko-kun... Please...”

Before Tetsuya could say anything, Airam barged in. With a scary dark aura.

“A-akashi-san?!” The team felt scared and shocked. The girl, too.

“He's already mine. Mine only.” She gave her a death glare. A glare that could kill.

“H-hai! Gomenasai!” She bowed and dashed off.

She took out her phone and called someone.

“No need for snipers. Retreat now.” She said and then hung up. Wait... snipers?!

They gulped except for Tetsuya.

Then, four muscular body guards entered, covering Tetsuya.

“Protect him with your life. Don't let any lay a single hand on him.”

“Understood!” They answered in unison.

Damned Tetsuya... He's so lucky... The boys thought. 


Airam: Tetsuya~ You're so cute~ *caressing his cheeks*

Tetsuya: *sleeping* Zzzzzz...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now