✂Bonus Chapter: Truth or Dare (part 1)

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Airam: Let's play Truth or Dare!

  *spins bottle, bottle points Daiki*

Aomine: Why me?! Curse that  stupid bottle! Truth.

Airam: Do you like Momoi-san?

Aomine: No. (-_-) *spins bottle*

*bottle points to Kise*

Ryouta: Dare ssu

Aomine: Buy me 10 magazines.

(Airam hit Daiki real hard on his head) Ow!!!

Airam: Hentai! Ahomine!

Ryouta: You're mean, Aominecchi ssu *cries* Fine... *spin bottle, bottle points to Kuroko*

Tetsuya: Truth...

Ryouta: Hmm~ Who is your best friend?

Tetsuya: Taiga-kun.

Kagami: Hahaha!

Ryouta: Ouch ssu

Airam: Spin the bottle, Tetsuya.

Tetsuya: Okay... *spins bottle, bottle points Airam*

(Aomine smirked)

Airam: Etto...Uhhh.. Truth...

Tetsuya: Who do you love most?

Airam: *hugs Akashi* Sei-niichan, daisuki!

Akashi: *pats Airam's head* Good.

Ryouta: I'm jealous ssu

Airam: Alright then! Let's continue.

*spins bottle, points to Midorima*

Shintaro: Dare, nanodayo.

Airam: Wear this! *gave Midorima clothes* Go ahead. We'll wait here.

Shintaro: *sighs* Fine. I can't complain because it will turn into a bad luck. *went to the dressing room and change*

Airam: This will be interesting...

Aomine: Ram, go get your camera!

Seijuro: Don't order my sister. Do it yourself. *glares at Daiki*

Aomine: Aye, sir! *rushed off to get the camera*

Ryouta and Airam: *sweatdrops* He acts like Happy...

Atsushi: Ai-chin, please don't ignore me. *munch munch*

Airam: Gomen, Atsushi-niichan!

*hugs Murasakibara* Here. *gave him chocolates*

Atsushi: Arigato, Ai-chin. *accepts*

Tetsuya: I think Shintaro-san is having second thoughts...

Airam: Just wait... We'll be back, minna!


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