✂Chapter Nine

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Airam's POV

After the meeting about the marriage, we went back home with... her. Daddy said that Naomi should stay with us for a week to know each other better. That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Staying with a lady that is going to marry my beloved brother is totally the worse. Seriously!!!

I went to my room, really annoyed. Stomping my feet because of anger. I jumped on my bed and hugged the pillow tightly. I buried my face on the pillow, screaming. Letting all my anger out. But I'm still mad.

Seijuro's POV

I led Naomi to her new room. She's going to stay here for a week. I can hear my sister screaming. I decided to comfort her. I headed to her room, but the door was locked. I knocked on her door.
"Airam? Open this door." I commanded.
"No. Leave me alone!" she yelled. Such a troublesome girl.
"I need to talk to you." I tried reasoning with her but she didn't opened the door.
"No. Go away." she replied. I am getting pissed off so I broke her door down. She gasped.
"Oi! Baka ! That's my precious door!" she yelled, annoyed.

I hugged her, making her calm.

When she finally calmed down, I let go of her.
"Naomi isn't that bad. Can you at least try to like her?" I said. She looked down on the floor.
"You like her?" she asked with a disappointed expression on her face. What should I tell her? I don't like Naomi but I need to obey my father.
"Yes... I like her..." I lied. I can't believe I lied to her. What am I going to do?!

I snapped out of my thoughts when she pushed me on a wall. My eyes widen. She put her hands on my chest, pinning me to the wall. She looked up to me with sad eyes.
"You're lying..." she replied with disappointment in her voice.

I shook my head which made her pissed off. "I'm so sorry--"
"It doesn't matter anymore. I hate Sei-niichan anyway." she said before leaving. I felt pain. It felt like I was being stabbed with a knife.

What have I done?

Airam's POV:

I went to my other room (I have three rooms). I can't believe I said that to him. Well... He deserve it because he broke his promise to Mommy. This is all because of that stupid marriage thing. I sighed, laying down on my soft bed.
This is all messed up. I know he didn't like her. He is just trying to be nice. I wish Mommy was here. I remember how she told me stories. I remeber how she kissed me on ny forehead before I sleep. I remember how she prepares my favorite breakfast. I remember how she loved me and Sei-niichan so much. And I miss her so much. Tears started to fall down. Then, there was a knock. I quickly wiped my tears away and opened the door, revealing Naomi.
"Can I talk to you? " she asked with her sweet voice. I nodded and let her in. "I heard you fighting with Akashi earlier. Is it because of the marriage?" she replied and I nodded in response.
"I'm really sorry." she apologized. I can feel that she is really sorry.
"Do you like him?" I asked.
"As a friend, yes. But I already have a crush on someone. I didn't told my parents because I thought they will be disappointed. And I need to follow their commands... " she answered. Sei-niichan was right, she wasn't that bad at all. She was just trying to be a perfect daughter for her parents. But sorry, I still need to arrange this messed. We all do. We need to tell what we really feel. I need to do it.

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now