♥Chapter Twenty-nine

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Tetsuya finally gained consciousness. He looked around. He was in a hospital. And he saw a worried Airam, holding his hand.

"Tetsuya!" She hugged him, letting her tears fall down.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you." He said, weakly.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I'm glad you're alive!" She can't stop her tears from falling. She hugged him tighter.

"Don't cry, Airam-chan..." He said, giving her a small smile. She gave him a peck on his lips. Perfect timing, the GoM came. They saw them.

"Are you alright, Kurokocchi?" Ryota Kise asked, worriedly.
"That damn bastard..." Daiki Aomine clenched his fist.

"Kuro-chin, are you feeling okay?" Atsushi asked, lazily but he was really concerned.

"Hey, Kuroko, How are you feeling ?" Taiga Kagami asked, also worried.

"I'm fine, minna. Thanks."

"Tetsu-kun..." Momoi Satsuki cried and Aomine hugged her, comforting her.

"We were worried sick." The girls came, too. When they saw the GoM, they were shocked. Same goes to the GoM.

They stared at each other. They found an another version of them.

^^Time Skip^^

They all introduced themselves. And had a little conversation. They left the two alone.


If you're looking for Nigou, he's already at the Akashi Mansion, and the maids are taking care of him.


Tetsuya was allowed to go home now, the doctor said. They went back to the mansion.

{Airam's room}

"I'm really sorry, Ai--"

"If you apologize again, I'll kiss you." She burst out without thinking, annoyed.

Then, she realized what she just said. And again, she blushed.

(Tetsu is the only one who can make her blush.)

While Tetsuya just stared at her with no reaction, but deep inside, he was blushing even more than her.

"N-no... I was just jo--"



"Seems like you need to kiss me, Airam-chan." He chuckled lightly.

She leaned closer and closer. Ready to close the gap between their faces. But the door swung open. They immediately pulled back.

(Nuuuhhh! Kill joy! Who dares interrupt the--?! Oh, no!)

And Seijuro Akashi entered.

"Sei-niichan! You're back!..." Airam exclaimed in shocked and excitement. But she felt nervous.

"Tetsuya? What are you doing here?" Seijuro asked.

"To accompany Airam-chan. I don't want her to be alone." He answered.

"You're not mad, right?" She asked, hiding behind Tetsuya.

"Come here, Airam." Seijuro ordered.

"Can't I just stay behind Tetsuya?"

"Come. Here."

Airam walked towards her elder brother, nervously. Then, he hugged her.

"I've missed you." He mumbled.


KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now