(#2) ♥That Awkward Moment...

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That awkward moment...

Mr.Akashi: What is your name, boy?

Tetsuya: My name is Tetsuya Kuroko, sir.

Mr.Akashi: Tetsuya, huh? You're one of the Generation of Miracles, right?

Tetsuya: Yes, sir.

Mr.Akashi: Airam is my only daughter and I do not want her to be hurt. Will you take responsibility and protect her with all your life?

Tetsuya: Yes, sir.

Airam: ...

Mr.Akashi: Tell me, what do you want me to do to you when you make her cry?

Tetsuya: I want you to kill me, if that happens. I will let you cut my head off, sir.

Airam: T-tetsuya...

Mr.Akashi: That's some confidence you got. But...

Airam: (Thinking: Please let me be with him. Please let me be with him. Please, Daddy, please.) ...

Tetsuya: S-sir?

Mr.Akashi: But... I want you to build up more confidence to start calling me 'father'. *smiles*

Tetsuya: Yes, father.

Airam: Thank you, Daddy! *hugs him*

Mr.Akashi: Congratulations, my dear daughter. I'm so happy for you. And I know your mother is, too. *hugs back*

Airam: *smiles*

Mr.Akashi: *whispers to her daughter* I got to admit, he is really adorable.

Airam: (0_0) Awkward...

(A/N: Sorry if this isn't so funny. I apologize for this crappy chapter. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed.)

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now