(#3)♥That Awkward Moment...

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(A/N: The sentences written in Italics are the happenings inside the room.)

That awkward moment...

{Outside her room}

Ryomei: Are you sure?

Diana: Yes. I heard them... *leans her ears closer on the door*


Airam: T-tetsuya... It hurts... *groans* A-ahhh...

Tetsuya: Sorry. I'll be gentle then...


Ryomei: *nosebleeds* I heard it, too... OMG... *blushing*

Diana: *eyes widen* I c-can't b-believe it...

Shana: You girls are over reacting. There's no way they're doing that. They haven't even finished college yet. Your minds are so dirty.

Tetsumi: I think Shana-san is right. But... They did said that they were going to play a game.

Shana: ...No way...

Azusa: *nom nom* ...


Tetsuya: Don't you think it's a little tight?


Ryomei: We need to stop this... *opens the door*

Diana: No! Wait!--

Shana: Arre?


(The couple looked at them, confusedly. The girls saw them. Tetsuya was wrapping a white bend on her wrist.)

Diana: W-wait... You're not... uhh...

Ryomei: OMG! OMG! SORRY!

Airam: What are you doing here?

Shana: These two thought that... Well... ummm... Wait, what happened to your wrist?

Airam: Oh, this? We were playing basketball earlier then I sprained my wrist. But, it's nothing serious. I was just careless.

Tetsuya: Be careful next time, alright?

Airam: Hai~

The girls: *sweat dropped* ...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now