✂Chapter Nineteen

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"I have a tip for you. When you're kidnapping someone, make sure that you won't make a mistake. And also, never use old chains, baka." the red haired girl spoke calmly. The four was in a shock state. "You can break those old chains, too. Just use your strength." she said to you. You used your strength and you finally broke the old chains. "See? Now, come on!" she ran and you followed her. The four couldn't move. They didn't even bother chasing the two of you.

Takao: Cool! You broke the chains!

You: It wasn't so hard, really... Airam is right. Their chains are so old.

Airam: I can't believe they're so careless. Hmp.

Seijuro: They kidnapped you? Well... They made a big mistake. Are you alright, (Y/N)-chan?

You: *blushes* U-uhh... Y-yes...

Tetsuya: Here, Airam-san. *gave her a glass of water*

Airam: Arigato, Tetsuya-kun. *accepts*

Chihiro: That's no good. Here, I made you a hot choco. *gives her hot choco*

Airam: Arigato, Chi-kun. *smiles*

Shintaro: I told you to bring your lucky item. Look at what happened. *pushes glasses up*

Airam: Ah. Gomen, Shin-niichan.

Atsushi: Do you want candies, (Y/N)-chin?

You: Sure. *smiles*

Atsushi: Here.*gives you candies*

You: *accepts* Thanks...

Daiki: Haha! You only broke the chains because it's so old. Weak. Hahahaha!

Ryouta: You're so boastful ssu.

Daiki: It's true! Hahah! *laughs hard*

You and Airam: Grrrrrrrr...

Ryouta: Run for your lives!!! *runs away* Kyahhhhhhh!!!

Seijuro: Don't, (Y/N). I don't want you to stain on your beautiful dress. I'll deal with him later. Come, let's eat. *held your arm*

You: *blushing hard* Y-yes...

Daiki: Hahaha bye weaklings!

Airam: Ne, Daiki-kun, let's play hide and seek. I'll count to three, okay? One...

Daiki: Crap! *hides*

Airam: Two... *snip snip*

Daiki: *covers mouth* ...

Airam: Three.



The two of you found the way out of an abandon building, finally. You and Airam stopped running. The both of you are panting hard.

Airam took out her phone and called his butler to pick you up. Minutes have passed and a limo came. A certain red haired emperor showed.
"Get in." he commanded and you imidiately obeyed. Then, the limo started moving...

Silence filled the whole limo. He didn't made any eye contact until you arrived at his mansion. As usual, the maids and butlers greeted you as you walked in. Seijuro didn't bother asking questions. He remained silent as he went to his room. You were still a bit nervous. You turned to look at Airam. She's eating chocolates, acting like nothing happen. You sighed. You went to your 'room' and took a rest. You slowly close your eyes...

There you stand... In a dark room, hearing screams. Tears fell from your eyes. You saw Airam on the ground, on her own pool of blood. She stared at you with teary and sad eyes. You wanted to help but you were frozen. You can't move... "Sei! Sei!" you cried. You heard an evil chuckle. You looked around and saw Seijuro Akashi, his clothes were bloody and he is holding his red scissors. He was smirking at you. "I love you..." he muttered. You were shocked. You don't know what to do...

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now