♦Bonus Chapter: Bad Boys

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(Airam accidentally spilled a chocolate shake on Haizaki)

Hanamiya Makoto: Tch. Piece of trash.

Tetsuya: You don't need to be rude, Hanamiya-kun. It was an accident.

Haizaki Shougo: Shut up, idiot. You need to pay for this, little brat. *glares*

Airam: How much do you need, lowlife?

Haizaki: What did you said?!

Hanamiya: Let's crush them...

Haizaki: Actually... she's kawaii...

Tetsuya: Stay away from her.

Hanamiya: Heh! We aren't afraid of you, shortie.

Airam: Shut up or I'll cut that dirty tongue of yours. *snip snip*

Haizaki: You're a brave little brat. *smirks*

Hanamiya: How about we play basketball? 2 on 2.

Haizaki: Yeah and if we win, you're mine.

Airam: That would be impossible, Mr. Jerk.

Tetsuya: You know how to play basketball?

Airam: Not really, but I know how to win. Trust me.

Tetsuya: Alright, I trust you.

Haizaki: Tch. Stupid couples.

Hanamiya: Ready?

Tetsuya: Always.

^^Time Skip^^

(Team AiKu wins.)

Airam: See? I always win.

Hanamiya: U-unbelievable... I lost to two short brats?!

Haizaki: How did that even happen?! She can shoot from that angle?! Tch. I'm out of here. *walks away*

Hanamiya: We'll seek revenge, ba-ka. *walks away*

Tetsuya: How did you copied Midorima-kun?

Airam: I didn't. He taught me. All the other GoM taught me, well, except for you.

Tetsuya: Maybe some other day. But for now, Airam-chan... Shall we continue our date?

Airam: Hai~

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now