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Ryouta: Look, Aicchi texted me. It says: GOD'S NOT DEAD.

Takao: I got that same text, too.

Kasamatsu Yukio: Same here. Who's this ‘Airam’? And how did she knew my number?

Ryouta: She knows everything. 0_0

Himuro Tatsuya: I also got that text. Airam, hmm? Is this the girl you always talk about, Atsushi?

Atsushi: Yes, Muro-chin. That's Ai-chin.

Okamura: That's a pretty name. I'm sure she's pretty, too.

You: Hello~ Airam also texted me that. I will send that message to my friends and families, too. *smiles*

Shintaro: How come she didn't texted me that? ...I-it's not like I care or anything...

Takao: It's alright, Shin-chan. She still likes you.

Shintaro: Shut up, baka! Nanodayo.

You: Speaking of idiots, where is Ahomine?

Shintaro: Probably still hiding from Airam... Or he's already killed.

You: Aww... Poor aho.

Shintaro: He deserves it.

Airam: Hello! Sorry I'm late. I want to tell you that GOD'S NOT DEAD. And I want you to tell everyone that GOD'S NOT DEAD. Send that three simple words to everyone you know. And you can also comment about what you think about this story. Also, I won't be able to update for a week because of school. I need to pay more attention to my studies or else Sei-niichan will scold me. So, please comment and vote.

Seijuro: Airam.

Airam: H-hai~ Farewell!

Takao: Ganbatte, readers! Have a nice day.

Ryouta: Please enjoy *winks* I love you all ssu~ *flying kisses*

Fangirls: Kyaaahhhhhh!!! Kawaii!!!


KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now