♥No Need To Say Good bye♥

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Kise: It's so fun! I wanna say that I am very thankful because we wouldn't have made it so far if it wasn't for all of you ssu~ *winks*

Aomine: Yeah. We'll do our best on the book 2. I promise to lessen my laziness. *salutes* Thank you.

Midorima: Yes. Good luck with that, Aomine. Anyway, I just want to thank you for everything. Kise is right. It's all thanks to you. *smiles*

Murasakibara: I liked spending time with you all, reader(s)-chin. And thank you for the sweets you gave me.

Kagami: Yup! We should have a celebration. ^_^ Thanks to you.

Akashi: I would like that. Thank you very much. Words aren't even enough to tell you how much I love you.

Kise: *cries* I'm gonna miss you all ssu~ T-T

Airam: Yes... *cries too* We'll miss you...

Tetsuya: Airam-chan...

Aomine: D-don't cry... B-because... If you cry... *burst out crying* I'll cry!

Momoi: D-dai-chan! *hugs Aomine while crying*

Aomine: S-satsuki... T^T

Midorima: W-what?! My tears are falling, too?! *ended up crying* Nanodayo... :'(

Kagami: Y-you guys... S-stop crying... *cries harder* Boys don't cry... T-T

Murasakibara: *cries too* M-minna-chin... :'(

Tetsuya & Akashi: *emotionless face* Uhhh...???



Book 2 is coming soon. (April)

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now