♥Chapter Twenty-six

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{Airam's room}

She blushed as she watch her cute boyfriend playing with his cute little puppy. Tetsuya noticed her and smiled, which causes her to blushed even more.

"You have really good griends." He spoke. The red haired girl closed the door and sat beside Tetsuya.

"Yes. I apologize if they're noisy earlier. They are just excited to meet you." Airam said as she pats Nigou's head softly.

"You don't need to apologize, Airam-san. I really like them." He said with a low voice, slowly moving his face towards her. (0///0)

Airam can't help but to blush. Nigou is silently watching them.

"But not as much as I like you..." He whispered, he's so close to her face.


"T-tetsuya..." She slowly said, she looks like a tomato. The room was filled with silence.


{Outside Airam's room}

The girls were eavesdropping. They leaned their ears on the door to hear the two.

"What did he say??" Ryomei asked in a whispery voice.

"Shhh! I can't hear them if you're talking, Idiot!"

"You two be quiet! If she found out about this, we're doomed!"

"All of you, be silent."

"Azusa, don't eat your chips so loudly!"


{Airam's room}

The two were about to kiss when a bunch of girl voices were heard.

Tetsuya and Airam quickly moved away to each other and stared at the door. Airam opened the door, causing the girls to land on the floor.

"Oh,no!" The girls exclaimed in fear.

"We're sorry! We're just curious!" They bowed and continued to apologize.

"You know, curiosity kills the cat." Airam gave them a death glare and the girls shivered in fear.


"Fine. I'll let you go this time. But next time, I'll show you no mercy." Airam sighed. They felt relieved.

"Thank you so much, Kuroko!" They yelled and ran off to their rooms.

Airam sighed and closed the door again.

"Annoying..." She muttered, walking towards Tetsuya.

"Too bad..." She pouts cutely, making Tetsuya chuckle. He kissed her forehead and gave her a small smile. And she smiled back.

Then, a knock was heard. "Enter." Airam ordered and the door opened, revealing a butler holding a silver tray that have food on it.

And another butler holding a bag of Kuroko Tetsuya's things.

"You should eat, Tetsuya." She said, and he nodded.

"Nigou, here. Say 'ahh'..." Airam smiled, holding a small bone-shaped cookie. Nigou gladly accepted it.

Tetsuya started to eat as well. He took glances at Airam as she feeds the puppy.

Airam noticed it and decided to tease him. "Oh? Look, Nigou, Tetsuya is jealous." They looked at the cute sky blue haired boy.

Airam sat beside him and took a chocolate heart-shaped cookie. Holding it up to him.

"Hai, say 'ahh'." She giggled silently. Tetsuya smiled and opened his mouth, accepting the cookie. They laugh.


After eating, Airam went downstairs to get something for Tetsuya.

Tetsuya decided to change his clothes.

After a few minutes, Airam headed to her room, holding a small blue box in her hand.

She opened the door and--


She saw Tetsuya topless. (He's not veru muscular, but... 0//0)

She immediately turned around, blushing hard. "I'm sorry!" She covered her face with her hands.

Tetsuya quickly put on a blue t-shirt and walked towards her. He put his hands on her shoulder and smiled.

"It's alright, Airam-san."

"T-tetsuya...Here..." She handed him a small blue box. He accepted it and opened it. Inside it was a silver necklace with a letter T pendant, decorated by small sparkling heart-shaped blue gems.

"It's like mine, see?" She showed her silver necklace with a letter A pendant decorated by small sparkling heart-shaped red gems.

"Airam-san... Thank you." He smiled. He took out something in his pocket. It was a small red box.

"I was with Kagami-kun yesterday when I saw this. I thought that maybe you'll like it..."

She opened it and a silver ring with crown-shaped red ruby was revealed. She wore it and hugged Tetsuya.

"I love it!" She squeals. "But... Not as much as I love you." She smiled.

"I love you, too, Mrs. Kuroko." He chuckled, placing his lips on her's.


KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now