✂Chapter Four

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^^the next day^^

{At the school library}

I'm looking for a book.

Good News: I found it.

Bad News: I can't reach it. It's high.

I tried and tried but I'm too short to reach it. I finally gave up and sighed, looking at the floor. "Here." I heard a voice. I looked up a little and saw a familiar guy. He has silver hair.

He was handing the book that I was trying to reach earlier.

I accepted it. "You're Akashi's sister, right?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. 'Now I remembered... This guy plays basketball with Sei-niichan.' I thought, staring at him.
"My name is Chihiro Mayuzumi." he said. I also introduced myself.
"I need to go now. Goodbye." he replied before leaving. I smiled.

After school, I went to a court nearby. I didn't bother telling Sei-niichan because he won't let me. I was planning on playing basketball. Tge court is empty. I smiled and took my ball out from my bag, which I was hiding since morning. If Sei-niichan found out about this, he'll scold me for sure. I dribbled the ball then, shoot! Then suddenly, I heard a voice.

Guy 1: He called you,too?

Guy 2: He called all of us , nanodayo.

Guy 3: Can I have some chips, Shinchin?

Guy 2: No. This is my lucky item nanodayo.

(Guy 3 whined)

I paused and looked at them. There are six guys entering the court. 'Oh no.' I grabbed the ball but unfortunately, it slipped from my hands, causing it to bounce. It hit one of the guy. "Ow! Hey!" the guy yelled, and he glared at me. He walked towards me. He has dark blue hair. He grabbed my arm harshly. "Why did you do that, little brat?!" he shouted angrily.
"Aominecchi! Calm down!" yellow haired guy pleaded.
"Aomine-san, don't hurt girls." blue haired guy replied.
"Oi! Ahomine! Stop it!" Red haired guy said.
"Shut up, bakagami!" the guy held my arm tightly. It's painful. The green haired guy pushed his eye glasses.
"Let me go! Or my brother will cut you into pieces! " I yelled. He chuckled, and smirked.
"I'm not afraid of your stupid brother! I'll beat him up, where is he?!" the guy said, still smirking.

"I'm here." a familiar voice was heard. They all seem shocked. The blue haired guy quickly let me go. I ran to Sei-niichan, and hid behind him. "S-she is y-your s-sister?!" the guy named Aomine asked nervously.
"If you hurt my sister again, you'll turn into million of pieces. " Sei-niichan said. I sighed, feeling relieved. I feel safe when Sei-niichan is beside me. "You're late again nanodayo." the green haired guy said. "I was looking for my sister." Sei-niichan looked at me with a disappointed face.
"Gomenasai, Sei-niichan." I said, grinning. He just sighed and then smiled... He smiled... He smiled...
"I'm glad you're alright. " He said, patting my head. I giggled.

The yellow haired guy hugged me.
"Kawaii!" he yelled.

They introduced their selves.
"Why are you here, Kagami Taiga?" My brother asked, holding his scissors. "I want to speak to my former teammates only." he added.
"You're no fun. Don't exclude me." Taiga said while smirking.

Sei-niichan glared at him.

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now