✂Chapter Eighteen

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You and Airam became friends but she doesn't pay much attention to you. She spends most of her time with the silver haired boy, Chihiro Mayuzumi. You were curious.
Do they like each other? Do they have a relationship? You kept on thinking. You also noticed that Seijuro Akashi is often worried, or troubled. He eats lunch with you but he doesn't talk much like he used to.

{At Rakuzan}

You were on your way to your class when four girls approached you. They were glaring at you.

They blocked your way. "Excuse me." you said quietly but they ignored you. "How dare you?" one of them gave you a death glare.

You gave her a confused look.
"You were flirting with Akashi. Hah! You think he likes you? Aww... Poor kitty." she teased and it annoyed you.
"Well, if you think he likes you then you're very wrong. Akashi is my emperor. So back off." her teasing smirk turned into an evil smile. Then suddenly, a scissor almost hit her head, well... Almost. She dodged. The other girls were shocked and so are you.
"I don't think that I will like you as a sister-in-law. I'd like you more as a torture enemy." a familiar voice said. You turned around and saw the little empress, giving a glare.
"Omg I'm so scared right now, hahaha!" the girl who seemed to be the leader, said.
"See you later, losers." they dashed off. "Hurry. You'll be late for class." Airam gave you a small smile.
"T-thank you!" you bowed slightly before leaving. You hurried to your class and the teacher scold you.

You looked at Seijuro as you sit. He still looks a bit worried. Something's troubling him.

^^after school^^

Seijuro went to his practice. You were about to go to the school court when someone covered your mouth with a handkerchief, and you fell asleep.










You woke up in a white room. You felt pain. Your hands are chained. You looked around and saw a familiar red haired girl. She was also chained. Surprisingly, she was calm. Then the door swung open.
"Get ready for your punishment." the four girls from earlier entered the room, the one is holding a knife.
"Hmm...Let's start with this little brat." she smirked, walking towards the little girl. "P-please...Don't hurt her!" you pleaded. You didn't wanted her to felt pain, because she was your crush's younger sister. Yes, he was your crush... But you we're also shocked, she was so calm.
"Shut up, freak!" the leader yelled, leaving a cut on Airam's arm.
"Shhh... It's alright, my little angel, I'm here." she whispered. Is she imitating her mother? You thought. You remebered that Seijuro told you that his mother used to call her sister 'little angel' or 'my princess'.
"That doesn't hurt you? Well then, we need to kidnap Mayuzumi." she evil laughs. That was the last straw. The little girl was filled with anger.
"Don't you even dare to come near him. I'm not begging you... I'm warning you." Airam gave her a death glare, breaking the chains.
"I-impossible!" the four were shocked, including you.

KnB: (Love Starts) Seijuro Akashi's Sister plus Akashi x Girl ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now