I think I'm falling for you~

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You glance out the window of the run down bar, playing with your loose locks of hair. Flicking your head to the side, hearing footsteps. It was early morning and you didn't get much sleep, but you still didn't feel tired. You lean your chin on your fist and slouch down. Shifting your expression to a frown. You weren't happy nor sad. Just eh.

The rain started pouring, little droplets raced down the window as you watch them race past one another, predicting which one will win. You look outside, your mind urging you to go out int he rain. You still didn't want to get sick nor ruin your clothing. Still, you wanted to splash in the puddles like a little kid. Not paying attention you feel someone brush their hand against your back, sending shivers down your spine you jerk up and see a smile placed on Dabi's lips. Smirking at you, he lifts your chin up and pecks you lips. You turn away, dumbfounded and flustered. Your face was red and hot. He giggles a bit at your reaction, "Did you not like it sweetheart?" He asks, shifting his eyes at you, inching himself closer.

"No, just tired... of you." You tease, seeing his smirk drop and a fake frown appear. "Awh, well I didn't know you thought of me that way." He wiped a fake tear from his left eye.

Dabi was usually a morning bird. Always up before anyone else. He didn't sleep, cursed with the nightmares from his past. Some call them memories but they are too horrid to think of as such. You usually work up whenever, sometimes you slept, other times you wouldn't, but you were always up before Hawks. Hawks was a deep sleeper when you could get him to sleep, he does have nightmares. But the medication helps. Not sure what medication. Toga was usually up after Hawks, always having something to say or something she needed to do. Twice would be up after Toga, always following her around like a lost dog, it was clear he loved her. But she didn't care. Shigiraki is up at random times, sometimes waking up around two in the morning and never in his room. He was always gone at night for some reason. Although no one really knew what it was. Kuriguri (hope I spelled that right) was always up, made sense. Always keeping watch, making sure no one found out whereabouts. Overhaul slept the usual time when we weren't on missions, out by 12pm up by 8am. Nothing was wrong with him, he was just mental.

Everyone else you could t keep track of. Your thought too much. But it is easier getting to know someone by their sleep schedule. You can tell if they have trauma, something bothering them, if they sleep soundly, or if they wake up at the slightest things. It just made sense to you, since faces were hard to remember.

You walked towards the kitchen, putting on your apron and picking up items from the pantry. Eggs, milk, salt, pepper, English muffins, bacon, cheese and more. You wanted to make something fancy, as you had been at the LOV for 1 month, and it went by so quick.

Boiling your water, you took a spoon and gently cracked and egg over the boiling water, putting your spoon underneath it and swirling the water. Getting a perfectly boiled egg. You cooked your bacon as it sizzled and filled the room with the smell. You toasted your English muffins to a light golden brown, hearing a ding as they were done from the toaster. You made the Benedict sauce to put on top, stirring in egg yolks, flour, cheese, butter, salt, pepper and more. Letting it soften over a pot, cooking out the flour and making a Roo. You placed your English muffin down on the plate, adding your bacon, then egg, then your sauce, salt and pepper and a garnish. It looked delicious, and you stared in awe at your masterful cooking skills. You made two for everyone, as the serving size should be. Placing them down on the table and wagging everyone head to the kitchen as you yelled, "Breakfast is served!"

Everyone sat there stuffed, thanking you for the meal and washing their plate. Once you cleaned up you went to lay in bed, feeling like a full day of work was done even though the day had just begun. Forgetting Hawks was still asleep you wrap yourself up in the blankets, maroon colored wings wrapping you up and pulling you close as arms wrapped around you. You couldn't escape, you didn't want to leave him as he whimpered in his sleep, muttering words. You weren't tired but you fell asleep.

Waking up no one was there, you were surrounded in total darkness as someone appeared from the shadows and threw you across the room, grabbing your throat. They started yelling at you, screaming. Blaming you for things you didn't do, as you sat there and took it. Trying not to cry, it isn't worth it (y/n) do not cry over this. Do not cry. You can't cry. You ca-

"Hey! You okay?"

"Wake up!"

"Please wake up, I'm scared."

Opening your eyes, Hawks stared at you wide eyed and hugged you. He wrapped his hands around your waist, gripping you tight. "You really scared me there (y/n). Are you okay mon ami?" He asked you, speaking softly. You just gripped him tighter. He was warm and his skin was soft. "Can we... stay like this for a bit?" You asked. Tilting your head to the side and closing your eyes. "Of course we can." He replied, his voice mellow and his head rested against your shoulder. Sighing, you felt relieved. 'They weren't there, they couldn't hurt you anymore.' You thought to yourself. You smiled, clinging onto the warmth of another human, and thankfully you had someone to hug and hold close.

You grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye, wiping back tears. You cleared your throat, straightened your posture and smiled softly. "I think I'm falling for you~"

This was so fun to write! I am happy to be back:) and HOLY FAWK WHEN DID 4.5K PEOPLE READ THIS- honestly I hope you guys are okay... cause that is insane. Thank you so much. I'm glad to be back and I hope I didn't disappoint you. You guys mean a lot to me and I'd feel awful if I disappointed you. Just some softer content for now and part two to this will be in the same day or the next day. (Idk I wrote this at midnight) It will also be longer HeEeeHEeE


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