Cat cafe part one

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"I always thought I might be bad, now I'm sure that it's true cause I think you're so good and I'm nothing like you. Look at you go, I just adore you."
-Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar
A lot of you mfers have been saying that I put too much Hawks so here's a chapter FULLY DEDICATED TO DABI. I know most of you like Dabi better so this is for you. Don't worry I'll make a Hawks chapter too, I just wanna make a sweet chapter about you and Dabi.
Looking outside the window and tossing your hair to the side, closing your eyes and yawning. Feeling the breeze his your skin and shivers appear on your body. It was a bit chilly out, but you didn't mind.

The cold weather in springtime was a bit upsetting, but nonetheless you still wanted to go outside and do something. So you sat there, marveling at the cherry blossoms and looking over at the trees.

You felt warm hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer. Looking up you see Dabi and blush. He places a hand at the bottom of your chin and pulls it closer, kissing your cheek. "Morning." He greets you, his voice even deeper than before. You could tell he just woke up. His bed head was showing.

Smiling slightly you remarked, "Good-morning to you too." He sits next to you and looks outside of the window as well. "The cherry blossoms look nice today." He states, looking at you.
"Indeed they do." You respond back. Looking back out the window. You scooch closer, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He smiles in return.

"We don't have anything to do today, would you like to go out with me?" He asks you, squeezing your hand tighter. Your smile spreads and you nod your head. "Let's go get ready and meet outside." He responds, scratching his neck. You wave goodbye and walk into the bathroom to get ready. Stripping naked and hopping inside the shower with warm water. Massaging your scalp with shampoo and lathering your hair all the way to your ends. (Sorry to all the bald people out there) You grab your favorite body wash and pour it into the palm of your hand, rubbing it all over your hands until bubbles appear and washing your body.

You step out the shower and grab your towel, drying your body and hair then grabbing a blow dryer. Drying your hair carefully making sure not to burn it, looking up and finding some hair care products. You take the hair ointment and place it on your scalp, messaging your fingers in between strands of hair.

You get dressed and look in the mirror, touching up some areas and fixing your outfit. Smiling, you walk out of the bathroom. With a slight smile you pull your phone out and look at it, giving the screen a slight stare as you struggle to turn it on and almost drop it.

Ready when you are, just finished up. I'm sitting outside of the doors. Take your time, we have all day.

Thank you<33 but I'm almost finished. So I'll be out soon I promise.

See you soon, y/n.

Indeed I will.
read 12:05pm

You turn your phone off and place it into your pocket. You count your steps as you walk to the doors, heart racing with excitement. Nervous, you moved away from the door and took a deep breath while going back to open it. You opened your eyes and put on a faint smile to try and cover your nervousness as butterflies hit your stomach and made you feel a bit nauseous.

Opening the door and waving at Dabi, he stood up and walked over to you. Asking politely and looking down at you he says, "Could you hold my hand? I don't want you to get lost as I have some plans in mind." He reaches out his hand and you accept it, taking it and wrapping your fingers in between his.

He blushes a bit and motions you to walk with him. It wasn't a long walk but it felt like a while. It felt like time around you was slowing down and it felt weird but amazing at the same time.

He leads you into a small house that almost looks like a cottage. And opens the door for you letting you go first he smiles, "the best people go first." You smile and he winks at you, closing the door behind him. As you look in front of you, it seems to be a sort of café but a bit different.

You bring your eyes towards him and narrow them, "Where are we at?" You ask nicely. He nods and points to a sign that says "don't feed the cats."

It was a cat café (sorry to the allergic people) a short lady leads you to the other door where the cats are at and tells you to remove your shoes. You do so and place them in a cubby hole. After that's done she gives you slippers that fit your shoe size so you don't bring in harmful germs inside with the animals. You thank her and smile at her. She opens the door and leads you inside where a table is and hands you a menu.

"This place is cute." You respond, moving your hair back and smiling. He looks at you and returns the same smile. "I thought you'd like something like this." He remarks and nods his head.

You kiss his cheek and grasp his hand further, interlocking fingers with him.

Hahaha cliff hanger lol. I'm not doing so good, my best friend of five years broke off our friendship for no reason. So like I've been shit. And I can't finish this chapter rn. I hope you like it so far💕

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