When they love me

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"But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating. When he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody."
-Cloud nine, Beach bunny
I see your comments, so as requested I'll write more smut- just for ya'll and I'll make sure that it's inclusive this time❤️
You woke up on the couch seeing a drool spot and looking at the spot in disgust. Must've had a really good sleep then. As soon as you tried to get up a pair of big arms pulled you closer, cuddling into your chest and your eyes meeting his.

"No, you stay." He ordered, his eyes were glossed in sleep, he looked so drowsy and he wasn't even half awake. Kissing his forehead he smiled and closed his eyes, earning a chuckle from you.

You decided to stay for another forty five minutes trying to pry yourself free from his embrace but to no avail.

You planned later that night to go stargazing with Dabi as you've spent a lot of time with Hawks lately and we're trying to balance things out. Plus you wanted to go out anyways cause there was going to be a blood moon.

"Come on, let go." You sighed. It was really hard to even move an inch as this man was incredibly strong. But it was so annoying being weaker than him.

As you finally got away from his grasp you tidied yourself up and brushed your matted hair as it was tangled beyond recognition. Brushing through the knots and pushing it back. You were already late.

Running outside and racing past everyone else you sat down at the usual spot and Dabi waved at you. You walked towards him and saw the moon so clearly. It was stunning and so bright that night.

The stars glimmered in the sky and the breeze was just right. Looking up at the starts the both of you pointed out some that you liked.

Dabi turns to you and pokes you on the nose. You tilt your head and look at him, "huh?" You ask in confusion. He gets closer to you and replies, "nothing you're just cute." He smiles and holds you hand.

You spend a bit more time with him gazing up at the stars.

I know I said I'd write smut but I can't really write right now sadly. I just got on new meds for depression, anxiety, panic disorder and adhd. So I'm sorry that this chapter is so short but I will update it as soon as possible. Also, thank you so much for 23k views and your support!

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