Caught in the moment~

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Hawks blushed slightly, you forgetting Dabi was even there. His heart felt heavy and he felt insanely dizzy? Was he just a toy for you to use when you were bored? Was he something more? He walked off, and sat in bed. Staring at the ceiling for a few hours as it felt like. He recounted some of the memories he built up with you.

Did climbing through his window and not leaving mean nothing? Did stargazing mean nothing? Did your date mean nothing? Did kissing under the moonlight mean nothing?

He sighed and fell asleep. Or so he thought, as he couldn't but just merely closed his eyes for a moment. Just laying there, shifting in his bed till his arms fell numb and his eyes sealed shut.

(Different setting, same time- with Hawks and you)

He picked you up and kissed your lips passionately, letting go after a few seconds. You held onto his neck pushing him closer to you. "You know hummingbird, I like you a lot. I'll accept what you said, but you might want to check on the big man, he's not so happy about what you said." He places you down. Smiling and nodding for you to go towards Dabi. You had no clue what you did, being the dumbass you are (IM SORRY IKYKYKYKY)

You opened the door and layer next to him, absorbing his body heat and feeling cold fingers placed agains his skin he turned over and saw you, a look of horror placed on his face as he turned back around. He almost shriveled up. "Dabi, honey are you okay?" You asked him, rubbing his back concerned. "Don't pull that bullshit, go be with Hawks then. Don't you like him?" He shit back in response. You didn't know what to say, you did love him but you didn't know he was there and you wanted to tell them both privately. You gulped and looked at him, judging his arm up to look him in the face and you kissed him. He let you. "I hope that got some point across, babe. I want you to know that I planned on telling you both privately but I'll say it now. I admire you, I love you, I'm as-" he cut you off by another kiss. "I'm so glad I heard that now. Now shut up and kiss me." He replied, licking his lips and clicking his tongue.

As you can imagine- you both kissed, for a while. It got heated fast as Dabi held your arms down and pinned you to the bed. Leaning down to kiss you again, lifting his head up and smirking again. "You taste nice." He casually said, looking at you dead serious. You take his face and push it to yours, kissing his cheek. "Don't mention it." You replied.

He pulls his medium hair into a ponytail, forgetting that it was getting all over your face and smirks. He digs his nails into your hips and pulls you on his lap, placing your hands on his neck. He kisses your neck roughly as you jolt up and his nails dig further into your skin as you move your hips down. You arch your back forward, feeling his bare chest on yours. Shivers running down your spine as he bites your bottom lip roughly, drawing blood and tasting the metallic taste on his tongue. Pulling back and chuckling at the various amount of hickeys on your neck and swollen lips he pulls your shirt off.

Looking at you and smirking he clears his throat and asks, "are you ready to do this?"

Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now