Pillow Fight~

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As I woke up from accidentally falling asleep I lifted my head and saw Dabi, then by my feet there was Hawks. They were both sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to move to wake them up. But as always since I moved Dabi woke up. "Hey, sleep well?" He smirked, why was he so pretty? Shouldn't burns make you uglier, damn it I think I looked at him for too long. "Caught yourself starring, take a picture it'll last longer." He chuckled. I hit him. "Shut up!" I hit him with a pillow again. "So a pillow fight?" Hawks lifted his head up and swung me in the face with a pillow. "Ow! You bitch!" I yelled and swung at him.

"Oh so it's on?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me with his golden eyes and hit me. "Hey bacon bits!" I yelled, trying to get Dabi's attention. He perked up and looked at me just as I socked him in the face. "OH! SCORE!" I yelled, laughing. His shocked expression turned into a smirk and he motioned Hawks something. I didn't know what but then I saw two grown men smack me with a bunch of pillows, I could barely contain my laughter I fell on the floor and hit my head. "Ouch!" I yelped. "Are you okay?" Hawks put his hand down and pulled me up. "I'm fine!" I reassured him and hit him with a pillow. "That's what you get!" I giggled. "Oh, you little shit!" He grunted then chased after me and I toppled over Toga.

"Sorry!" I yelped. "It's okay! What are you guys doing anyways?" She asked, curious. "Oh we're just having a pillow fight. Wanna join?" I invited her. "Sure!" She grabbed a pillow and ran at Dabi with full speed hitting him in the face. "HAH!" she yelled. "What was that for?" He shook his head. "Oh nothing." She replied fiddling with her hair and smacking me with a pillow so hard I toppled down.

I hit my head on the ground so hard I blacked out.

My eyes flickered open as toga cried all over my body. I felt dizzy, so dizzy I couldn't stand. I could barely speak or think. "She's awake! I thought I killed you!" She wiped tears from her eyes. "That was one hell of a shot." I managed to say and chuckled. "Don't worry about it this isn't the first time shit like this has happened to me." As I stood up I fell, my legs felt like jelly and I could barely stand properly. I reassured myself and tried to stand up again but Hawks caught me. "Woah there, I think you might have a concussion." He placed me down on the couch next to Dabi. "I do feel dizzy." I scratched my scalp running my fingers through my h/c hair. "You okay?" He asked in a low grumble, one that ticked my spine and made me shiver just a bit too much. He was so damn attractive, so was Hawks. I didn't expect villains to be this caring, I was always taught they were outcasts. But in reality, they just have a different view and way of living.

As time struck eight we would have to go out, did I want to? Yes. Was I allowed? No. Hawks offered to stay with me just to make sure nothing bad would happen, kinda sucks missing out.

Guess I'll wait.

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